Dismantled (Girls on Top #2)

Dismantled (Girls on Top #2) by Yara Greathouse Page A

Book: Dismantled (Girls on Top #2) by Yara Greathouse Read Free Book Online
Authors: Yara Greathouse
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more so they can get better at it.”
    “You really think so?” She asks him with a hopeful tilt to her voice. I nudge her a bit, too.
    “I would love to see you do some tricks, Nibblet. Live your life in the moment – remember?” And I give her my most dazzling smile. I catch Mav looking at me after I mention her nickname, first it was like a question and then the lightbulb went off inside his head. I gave him a grouchy frown in return. He better not get any ideas.
    She starts to nod her head, “Mmmkay. I guess you are right to throw my words right back at me. Geez. I’ll do it. But I need some good music, can you arrange it, Mav?”
    “I’ll take care of it. I think I have the perfect one. Fall Out Boy okay?” Mav asks her.
    While we wait on the music to start, Ciara gives me her back and starts to stretch her legs and shoulders. Adapting a scene from the movie “Rocky,” I start to massage her shoulders in an effort to help her out some.
    Suddenly we hear Mav’s voice on all the speakers. “May I have your attention, ladies and gentlemen, we have a very rare treat for you today. Last year’s winner of the Solo Flyer Championship Division is going to grace us with a quick demo. Pay attention to the flow of her moves and her upper as well as lower body strength – it’s flawless.”
    “Dear Lord! He needs to stop that shit.” I hear Ciara talking to herself. Then the music starts and the trumpets of the opening chorus of “Irresistible” fill the entire building and suddenly all eyes are on Ciara.
    She doesn’t even hesitate. The second she steps inside the chamber, the wind carries her high up, where she starts her performance – it was like watching a contemporary dance with some ballet moves intertwined, her movements were not jerky but smooth, like a water dance. She was breathtaking. Everyone in this place was mesmerized – men and women, no discrimination. She was everywhere, upside down, up and down showing us movements and positions that would probably take the less practiced person years to perfect. She was a natural.

    The demo was over and I had to wait for several people to finish talking to Ciara. When her time inside the wind tunnel ended, so many people were so impressed by her, they came around to talk, and others wanted to take selfies and get autographs. I have been friends with Ciara for a long time and I had no idea she had this experience hidden under her belt.
    Now, it was my turn to try to learn how to fly. The idea was exciting and I could feel my adrenaline pumping. I catch Mav coming my way.
    “Are you ready, Traxx?”
    “I think so.”
    “Don’t worry, since it is your first time, we will start the air flow really low and work our way up until you gain enough momentum.”
    “Oh, so it will not be like it happened to Ciara? It seemed she stepped right in and went up flying really high.”
    Mav chuckled. “Nope. That’s because we already had the fans running at a really high power. And, no offense, Ciara’s really tiny compared to you, plus she has a lot of experience.” He taps my arm with his hand.
    “Oh, yeah. That makes sense.”
    “Remember the hand signals we practiced while watching the video? It’s really hard to hear inside there, so please make sure you use them. You and I will go in there first and then Ciara will join us, once I feel you are used to the wind.”
    “You got it!”
    I’m so ready to try this out… Mav opens the door and goes in but stays on the inside ledge without touching the trampoline and he signals me to come in. Stepping on the ledge, he prompts me to move onto the trampoline. Feeling the air’s increasing speed, Mav grabs the chest of my flight suit and as I lean forward, my legs rise up. He moves his hands to my back, so I don’t fly out of reach. Then with the hand signals we practiced, he instructs me how to move, and as I perform the movements, I can feel how my positions change as the wind came by.

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