Dirty Trick
tension building.
    “Yes. So much. But…”
    “But I want to do that to you too. I—”
    In for a penny, in for a pound. She swallowed hard, stifling the voice telling her that she was a freak and let it rip. “I want to put my mouth on you that way. If you think you might like it.”
    “Aw, fuck.” His low growl sounded so tortured, she nearly wept with relief. “I have no doubt about that. But that’s not for today. Today is about you. Only you.”
    She squeezed her eyes closed and bit her lip. He couldn’t possibly even know what that meant to her. Victor writhing around on top of her, and her own orgasms a crap shoot at best, had been such a huge part of her sexual experience for so long, she didn’t even realize how empowering it was to have someone want to please her and put her first. It was a revelation.
    His clever fingers derailed her thoughts as he grazed one of her straining nipples. She gasped and tensed.
    “Shhh. If you want me to touch you, babe, you’ve got to listen. Trust me. Trust me to take care of you tonight. Trust me to make it good for you.”
    He went in for the kill then, pinching the one taut bud between his thumb and forefinger, tugging until she felt it all the way to her core. She arched into his hand with a whimper.
    “Do you like it soft, love?” he played with her gently, rolling the tip of her breast teasing with his fingertip.
    “Yes,” she panted, straining deeper into her seat, wishing for some relief for the ache between her thighs.
    “Or,” he murmured, “do you like it hard?” He cupped the fullness of her breast in a rough hand and squeezed. She drew back, the initial discomfort catching her off guard, but it was short-lived. He worked her nipple hard, pinching almost to the point of pain, but not pain. Ecstasy. She tossed her head back and moaned softly, the burn traveling from the taut point to the growing ache in her clit.
    “Nice,” he hissed. His voice was thick now. The way it had gotten last night when she had touched him. She wished she could reach back now. Feel that heat. That hardness throbbing in her hands. It felt like power and need and damn, did she like it.
    “I wondered the other night. If you’d like it rough. I didn’t want to push you then. But I think I know now. What would you say if I told you that I want to drag you over to that wall, turn you around, and slide my cock into that tight little pussy? No kiss, no touch. Just one long, deep slide.” His other hand looped around and latched onto her other breast as his words landed on her ears like death blows, taking her higher and higher toward the precipice. “And then pounding away until you screamed. Begging me to finish you. What would you say, Grace?”
    “Yes. I would say yes.”
    “There are people here,” he reminded her sharply. “What would they think?”
    Her head was muzzy, and she tried to focus on his words. People here? She didn’t care. Anything to make the ache go away. “It doesn’t matter.”
    He released her abruptly, and she cried out. The people in the front of the theater turned and shushed her before looking back at the movie. And still, she didn’t care. “Please. Don’t go yet.”
    “Go? Oh, hell no. I’m just getting started.”
    No fucking bra.
    His cock had a pulse of its own, and if he was on an airplane they would have made him purchase a separate seat for it. But it was about Grace tonight. He pushed by her legs and sat down next to her, tugging the hood tighter around his face. “Keep your head straight, eyes forward, no matter what I do. Got it?”
    She nodded, but he could hear the breath heaving in and out of her lungs.
    He closed his hand over her thigh and growled. Bare skin. She’d worn the skirt as he’d asked. He let his fingers caress the soft skin of her leg for long enough that she began to squirm, and then he stroked higher. Each pass moved closer to her core. Higher still. His forefinger sampled the tender skin

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