Dirty Little Love Story

Dirty Little Love Story by Alicia Alpha Page A

Book: Dirty Little Love Story by Alicia Alpha Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alicia Alpha
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    I blushed immediately. Despite what you may think, I am not a confident person. I am shy when it comes to sex.
    I tried looking away. I swear I did.
    But I found my gaze fixed, my mind racing, and my heartbeat fastening. I found myself reaching for my notebook, the one that had been empty for months since I had picked it up in an attempt to scribble down ideas for my next novel. And then I found that my inspiration was at an all-time high. Suddenly, I was writing like crazy, flipping pages and even tearing some out, describing what they were doing word by word, and adding some of the most raunchiest phrases they yelled out as they fucked.
    I am not even an erotica author.
    As I presented my agent with a brand new manuscript, he seemed doubtful. But as I got his call an hour later and heard the elation in his voice, I knew I had made it. I had finally gotten a story. Not under my name, but with an even bigger sum attached to it.
    The need to touch myself did not come until much later … But you know, when you are watching someone get it like I did for the last few months, you cannot resist a little caress here, a touch there … a finger sliding into your pussy, your tongue licking your lips impatiently, your fantasies becoming peppered with two people you’ve never even met. It was inevitable.
    I may have neglected to mention I have been in a serious relationship for seven years, since I was 17. He is my high school sweetheart and I would not change it for the world. You’ll keep my secret for me though, won’t you?
    You want to know this story, so your pouty little mouth will stay nice and shut.

    I let Jacob hold me and I let my heartbeat slow down, all the while hoping he’ll think I’m only disheveled since it’s still in the morning.
    “I brought croissants and coffee,” he lets me know with his wide grin, puts a paper bag on the counter in the minuscule kitchen, and pecks me on the lips. All I can think about is Mr. Neighbour’s enormous cock and how I’d much rather have that touching my lips instead of Jacob’s sweetly innocent pout.
    “How … quaint,” I offer noncommittally and slide onto the bar stool with a small sigh, hoping it had gone unnoticed.
    “It’s Wednesday, Crystal,” Jacob says meaningfully while taking out the groceries and I look at him with a blank stare. “Date night,” he helps me out.
    “Oh,” I reply, trying to gather as much enthusiasm as I can possibly muster up, though I’m sure my performance is lackluster. “Are we going to Santonio again?”
    Jacob nods animatedly and I curse my life silently. This is what we do – we go to dinner every Wednesday, always at the same place. What follows is a lazy orgasm with a few soft moans for me and a few I-love-you-so-much-babys for Jacob. And then he’s gone again.
    At least I managed to stay in this apartment alone. I feigned needing to concentrate on my work, which I guess is true, but since Jacob is such a prude, I’m sure he wouldn’t take my staring at other people having relations, as he calls it.
    I don’t know when I turned into such a sour excuse for a human being. I’m just sick, tired and most of all, bored. I’m tired of playing the good little girl. The most excitement I get out of my day is watching them .
    As Jacob chats about some thing or other, I find myself nodding absentmindedly, still scribbling down notes in my notebook while hiding the writing with the other hand. This is my sad reality, I realize as I finish a sentence I’m especially proud of with a flourish.

    The evening arrives slowly and painfully, and I’m tired at the mere thought of going out. I’ve had to be smiley and happy all day when all I want is for Jacob to tie me up, just like the man in the opposing building does to his girlfriend.
    As I sit in front of my vanity getting ready, I run a hand through my long, naturally blonde locks. They’re so different than that woman’s – she has a fiery head of red hair and

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