Dirty DNA (G Street Chronicles Presents)
different. I guess life has been good. It is much better now that I
have you in it.” I said truthfully.
    “Well, I am glad that I have you now because
Christa wasn’t shit and I know she was going to lead me down a path
of destruction. Whatever happened to her YaYa? Did she really just
leave me with ya’ll?”
    “Neko, she was no good to any of us. She had
to go. I asked her to leave and she left. I guess she went on to
get high and just kept going. I told her she could do anything she
wanted with herself, but she was not going to include you in the
equation and she left.”
    I could not believe I had lied to him about
where his no count ass mother was, but he was better off not
knowing anymore than that.
    “Well, whatever her reason for rolling out,
I sure am glad she left me with you.” He smiled.
    Neko and I talked more about how he was
excited about starting a new school and the friends he had made. We
talked so much that I almost forgot about the business I had to
tend to. I had forty-five minutes until it was time to meet up with
Juan and Pinky. I decided to just take Neko with me because it was
no way I was going to be able to make it across town and back in
enough time. All I wanted to do was get Juan out of my hair and the
sooner the better. Pinky hit me on my cell and let me know she was
in route to where we were supposed to meet Juan. Neko and I were
already in the car listening to the CD Crack had given me.
    I was a little nervous taking Neko with me;
but I had no other choice. I whipped around the beltway to Capital
Heights to the Addison Road metro station Juan told me to meet him
at. I got there ten minutes before I was to meet Juan. As soon as I
parked, I saw Pinky dismount her hot pink Ducati. When Pinky hopped
off her bike and removed her helmet to reveal a head full of hot
pink locks with blond tips, I could see Neko staring her down like
if he could jump into her pants, he would. I had to admit Pinky was
the truth. She was stacked from head to toe. She was beautiful, and
she almost made me envious of the fiyah she possessed. Although she
was beautiful, she was also very deadly. Quick to cock, aim, and
shoot. That’s why I knew she had to come along because where some
niggas would bitch up; Pinky wasn’t scared to make her Nina clap.
Best of all, she didn’t look like an assassin and no one would
expect it coming from her 5’4” frame. Her high yellow skin glowed
and it was speckled with the cutest brown freckles. Her outwardly
appearance gave her a youthful teenage look that would make niggas
suspect she was more of an overly-developed eighteen year old than
a twenty-eight year old killer.
    I told Neko to wait at the
car for me and no matter what happened; he was to stay in the car
unseen. He wanted to question me, but I gave him a look that said
that it wasn’t the time for Q and A. I walked over to Pinky with
my Gucci heels
clicking against the pavement with every nervous step I took. I
patted the small of my back with my right hand to make sure “Chase”
was where she should be in case shit got sticky. I wasn’t going to
be caught without her again. I carried the money in my left hand. I
was surveying my surroundings cautiously behind my Dolce frames that hid me
eyes from outsiders who tried to enter the doorway to my soul.
Pinky and I joined each other and walked about twenty paces to
where I was to meet Juan. As I was filling her in on the exchange,
a white Mercedes CLS 550 pulled up in front of us. The window
rolled down just enough for me to see Juan’s face peek over the
    “Hola Mami.” Juan said
with a Chester the Molester type smile. That shit made me uneasy, and made
the hair on the back of my neck stand to attention.
    “Hello.” I said in a low monotone just
trying to hurry the shit along because I ain’t trust Juan one bit,
and I think Pinky felt it because she reached for the briefcase
that was in my hand.
    Pinky stepped up to the car with her long

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