Dirty Aristocrat

Dirty Aristocrat by Georgia le Carre Page B

Book: Dirty Aristocrat by Georgia le Carre Read Free Book Online
Authors: Georgia le Carre
from his hand seeping into mine, and something in my stomach suddenly fluttered. Jesus, his eyes really were insanely beautiful. Like liquid silver. They poured over my face hungrily. Something dangerous whispered in my blood.
    He’s your stepson, Tawny .
    The air was suddenly deadly silent. I could hear myself think.
    Hell to the no. He’s your freaking stepson.
    I blinked. ‘Do you want to have some cake?’ I asked jerkily.
    ‘Cake? Yeah, I want cake,’ he whispered hoarsely.
    I stared up at his lips as they moved in their sensuous dance of making words. Something bloomed between us. I wanted more. Much more. Unconsciously, I licked my lips and, from the way his eyes flared, it was clear that it was actually an invitation, pure and basic. A female calling to her male.
    He brought a hand to my hair and fisted it. Pulling me back, he covered my neck with his hand. His skin practically burned me. There was something dark and desperate about the gesture. My pulse raced wildly under his fingertips.
    ‘Oh, fuck it,’ he swore suddenly and before I knew it, his muscles flexed, my body slammed into his, and his mouth crashed onto mine.
    Oh, badass! 
    His tongue pushed into my mouth and the sudden explosion of lust between us was unbelievable. Never in my wildest dreams. Fireworks went off in my core. The passion was like wildfire that threatened to consume me.
    ‘I’m sorry I questioned your intelligence, but you’re fucking driving me crazy here,’ he growled, and swept his mouth along my jaw while his hand trailed down my neck and captured my breast. He rubbed his palm over the sensitized tips. Heaven.
    ‘Don’t you want this, Tawny?’ His voice rang too raw, too hungry. This couldn’t be the same man I knew. His eyes burned into me. No sarcasm or distaste there at all.
    God help me. ‘Yes,’ I gasped. My entire body felt like a twisting, wanting mess.
    He pulled back and looked into my face. His eyes were heavy lidded, the pupils dilated to huge black pools.
    He was unbuttoning my top when the doorbell rang. Both of us froze. For a moment he looked down at me, and there was an expression of disbelief in his face. Then he left me and strode to the door and yanked it open.
    From where I stood I could see Ralph standing with a bottle of champagne in an ice bucket, and two flute glasses. My stomach churned.
    ‘Sorry, have I come at a bad time?’ Ralph said.
    ‘Get lost,’ Ivan replied, his voice remote and cold.
    I shivered.
    ‘Right. Got it,’ Ralph said.
    I pinched my eyes shut. Oh damn.
    Ivan closed the door and came within a few feet of me. A furious stranger with desolate eyes glared at me. His lips curled in a sneer. ‘Any dick would do. Huh?’
    ‘It wasn’t like that,’ I whispered, cringing at the horrible bitterness in his tone.
    ‘Go to bed, Tawny.’
    ‘Wait,’ I called, but he was already across the dining room and in the corridor. I heard his bedroom close with a slam that made me jump. If he had slapped me I could not have felt worse. He had treated me like a whore.
    I swallowed the stone in my throat. The tears that welled into my eyes were hot and bitter, like poison.
    ‘Oh dear God.’ What have I gotten myself into?

    Lord Greystoke
    Fuck her.
    Fuck this bullshit.
    What a horny fucking slut!
    I was so furious I wanted to punch a hole in the wall. Damn her to hell. I couldn’t believe that I fell for her shit. My hands clenched into tight fists. I could feel my fury burning like molten lava in my guts, but my cock was so hard it was like a piece of fucking wood stuffed into my trousers.
    I strode over to the bed and sat down. I undid the button on my trousers and ripped the zip down. Little cheating bitch . I slid my trousers down to my knees and my cock was thrusting out of my underpants. Grabbing the material, I yanked them down roughly, closed my eyes and, loosely fisting the base of my shaft, started moving the throbbing mass of muscles in slow, pleasurable strokes.
    The door

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