Digital Devil Story: Reincarnation of the Goddess

Digital Devil Story: Reincarnation of the Goddess by Aya Nishitani Page B

Book: Digital Devil Story: Reincarnation of the Goddess by Aya Nishitani Read Free Book Online
Authors: Aya Nishitani
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    "Kerberos, please come here."
    Before the white haze that came out of the liquid crystal display could even take on the shape of a rough outline, it vanished with a weak bark. Apparently the crimson paint of this pathway really did seal off the power of the demon beast.
    Yomotsu-Shikome thrust her webbed hands down at the petrified Nakajima's shoulders. Leaping to the side at the last minute, Nakajima slipped and fell on the ground. He desperately tried to get up, but the large hands had already grabbed onto him. Yomotsu-Shikome's long tongue licked the area around her huge mouth, and her rancid breath assaulted Nakajima's senses.
    "Izanami, are you going to abandon me after I've come all this way!?" Nakajima instinctively cried out.
    For some reason, the instant that the monster woman heard Nakajima's cry, she started acting strangely. Her mouth agape, she looked at Nakajima with a blank expression, all hostility gone completely. Her eyes looked around the area, then fixated on the body of Yumiko, laying on the side of the path. An expression of awe came over her face.
    Her throat jiggling, Yomotsu-Shikome spoke the name reverently. Putting Nakajima back on the ground, the monster woman clumsily waddled over to Yumiko, and carefully picked her up as if handling a fragile broken object.
    "Hey, wait, what are you going to do with Yumiko!?"
    Taking a disapproving glance at Nakajima, Yomotsu-Shikome cocked her head as if to signal him to follow her, and proceeded down the burial pathway, holding Yumiko.

    At that time, Loki swiftly entered Shirasagi Mound, and was standing before the passageway that Nakajima had passed through earlier.
    "Just you wait, Nakajima. Soon, I will defile your precious woman before your very eyes before devouring you whole." With a twisted smile on his face, Loki transformed himself into an amorphous blob and oozed into the tunnel.
    Loki descended the passageway that took Nakajima hours to traverse in mere minutes. Soon the blob of flesh made a squishing sound as it dropped to the stone floor of the plaza before the burial pathway. At that instant, its outer membrane hissed and gave off smoke as it started to melt.
    "Damn you!"
    Loki quickly transformed back into his bronze body, and kneeling on the ground, let loose a terrible howl. Most likely, he could not stand the chemical reaction that took place when his protoplasmic body came into contact with the mercuric sulfide. Even now, the one gelatinous place of his body between his eyes throbbed and pulsated.
    Gritting his teeth and standing, Loki stared solemnly at the crimson burial road.

    Meanwhile, Nakajima had reached the end of the burial pathway, led by Yomotsu-Shikome. Before him stood a burial chamber. It had to be the spot where Izanami lay.
    I've finally made it here...
    The chamber itself had no door, but a silvery, fluorescent relief in the floor by the entrance gave off an aura as if guarding the chamber within. It resembled a Solomon Hexagram quite a bit.
    Yomotsu-Shikome with her chin as if to urge him inside. As Nakajima started to enter, she gently placed Yumiko down so that he could carry her on his back.
    "Aren't you coming in?"
    As Nakajima spoke, the monster woman looked as if struck by fear and awe and shook her head. And all of a sudden, Yomotsu-Shikome thrust her long arm down her throat, all the way down to her elbow. Her green neck expanded, and she fiercely vomited. An awful stench wafted up from the bile, and Nakajima reflexively turned away. Yomotsu-Shikome, on the other hand, retrieved two glowing blue spheres from amongst the vomit and presented them to Nakajima. While he didn't particularly want to take them, he didn't want to ignore the beastly woman's kindness, and grimaced as he accepted the gift.
    The phlegm-covered spheres felt very light, and fit perfectly into his hands.
    "What are these?"
    In response to Nakajima's question, the giant woman made a motion of striking

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