Did I Mention I Won The Lottery?
remembered, today was the day Beech Grange became her own.
Rebecca Miles with a 2 million pound house. In the worry and guilt
of Gwen’s accident she had almost forgotten all about it!
    She leapt out
of bed and phoned the hospital, relieved to hear that Gwen was much
better and would be allowed home around lunchtime. Then she flicked
open the laptop which she had picked up automatically as she fled
the house on Sunday. The balance in her account hadn’t changed, the
house wasn’t hers yet. Just then her phone rang.
    ‘Rebecca, it’s
Annie! Are you all set, today’s the day!’
    Rebecca had to
laugh at Annie’s enthusiasm even as she explained about Gwen and
how busy she would be that day.
    ‘Oh what rotten
luck and what terrible timing. But don’t worry, I’ll be around to
    ‘When will it
happen exactly?’ asked Rebecca who had never been actively involved
in any of the house moves she and Daniel had made together.
impossible to say. It could be in the next hour; it could be this
afternoon. As soon as the vendor’s solicitor confirms that the
money has transferred over he authorises the release of the keys.
If you’ve got your hands full I can collect those for you no
    They agreed
that Annie would liaise with the solicitor, collect the keys, phone
Rebecca once it was all finalised and they would meet at Beech
Grange when Rebecca felt that she could leave Gwen.
    ‘Thank you so
much Annie, you’ve been wonderfully helpful.’
darling,’ laughed Annie, ‘you’ve bought a 2 million pound house
from me. I should be thanking you, you’ve saved me from a truly
terrible start to the year!’
couldn’t help but laugh at Annie’s honesty and the genuine
friendship in her voice.
    ‘Well I’m still
grateful,’ she insisted and the two women said goodbye until
    Grabbing a
quick breakfast and shower Rebecca spent the morning with Gwen,
waiting as the ward rounds completed and Gwen was finally
discharged. She ordered a taxi, something she was becoming quite
proficient at she thought to herself, and a short time later she
and her mother were in Gwen’s room at Parklands, Gwen wearing one
of her new nightgowns with the mohair shawl around her
    Rebecca’s phone
rang and glancing down at the screen she saw Annie’s name flashing.
Her heart pounding, she stood up and wandered towards the window
leaving Gwen chatting to the two friends who were sitting with
    ‘Rebecca - I’ve
got the keys, the house is yours!’
    For a moment
all that Rebecca could hear was the beating of her own heart as she
stood mute, staring out of the window at the beautiful rose
    ‘Rebecca, did
you hear me. It’s done, I’ve got the keys, the house is yours
Rebecca, all yours.’

    It took a while
before Rebecca could leave Parklands. There were lots of hugs and
kisses - from Gwen’s friends who had all come trooping into her
room to keep her company, from the staff who had brought them both
up some lunch, from Mrs Wendover who was delighted that Gwen was
back and who promised to keep Rebecca updated with any changes in
Gwen’s health and Gwen herself who hugged her daughter and thanked
her for dashing to her side. Finally Rebecca was standing outside
the door on a bitterly cold dark April evening, watching a taxi
pull into the driveway, a taxi that was going to take her to her
new house and with a heart that was beating so loudly she felt sure
the taxi driver must be able to hear it, she jumped in and gave him
the address.

    Half an hour
later Rebecca stood in her new kitchen. The cream cupboards hugged
the wall and the black granite surface twinkled in the light,
stretching for what seemed like miles. The huge table would seat
her entire family plus everyone she knew and the two small settees
that sat by the French windows invited Rebecca to curl up on the
lovely raspberry and green check seats. It was dark outside

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