Diary Of A Wimpy Kid Book Series

Diary Of A Wimpy Kid Book Series by Jeff Kinney Page B

Book: Diary Of A Wimpy Kid Book Series by Jeff Kinney Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jeff Kinney
Tags: Young Adult Fiction, Comedy
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owh krea+k ahymore.

    Unfortunately, Pad wakes up a+
ih the morhihg ho matter WMAT day of the week rtf's, and he is hot real cohsiderate of the fact that X an tryihg to ehjoy my Saturday like a hormal person.

    X didn't have anything to do -today so X just headed up to Rowleys house.
    Rowley is technically ny best friehd, hut that is definitely subject to change.
    X’ve been aVo«dihg Rowley since the first day of school, when he did something that really annoyed ne.

    VJe were ge-H-ihg
our s-tuff from our
lockers a+ ■+V>e ehd
+he day, ahd Rowley came up +o me ahd said—

    X have +old Rowley a+ leas+ a billioh +imes +ha+ how +ha+ were ih middle school,
you re.
supposed +o Say "hahg ou+,” ho+ "play.” Bu+ ho ma++er how mahy hooves X give him, he always /orge+s +he hex+ +ime.
    X ve fceeh -trylhg +o he a lo+ more careful at>ou+ my Image ever sihce X go+ +o middle school. But haVihg Rowley arouhd is de-fihi+ely ho+ helpihg.

    X me+ Rowley a few years ago wHen He moved in+o my neigHborHood
    His mom bougH+ Kim +Kis took called "How +o hake Friends in Mew Places," and He came +o my House "trying all +Hese dumb gimmicks.

    X guess X kind of fel+ sorry for Rowley, and X decided +o +ake Him under my wing.
    X+’s been grea-t Having Him around, mos+ly because X ge+ +o use all +He -tricks Rodrick fulls on ME.


    hem tty
    You khow Kow X said X flay all Sor+s
pranks oh Rowley? VJell, X KaVe a little brotKer homed Mahhy, ahd X could NEVER ^et away witK fullihg ahy
tKat stu# oh Kim.
    Mom ahd Pad protect hahhy like Ke’s a frihee or sometKihg. Ahd Ke hever gets ih trouble, eVeh
if Ke really deserves it.
    Yesterday, Mahhy drew a self-fortrait oh my bedroom door ih fermaheht marker. X tKougKt horn ahd Pad were really goihg to let Kim Kave it, but as usual, X was wrohg.

    Bu+ +Ke iKih^ +Ka+ bufar
me. VJKeh Ke was a bab^r, Ke couldht firohouhce "brotKer,” so
Ke started calling me "Butty.” A^d Ke STILL calls me tKat how, eVeh tKougK I keep tryihg +o get Mom ah    Luckily hohe
ry •friehds Kave fouhd out ^et, but believe me, X KaVe Kad some really close calls.


    Mon notes ne Help Mahhy
    Ahd wHeh i+’s +ine for Hm +o 30 +0 day care, He ge+s up ahd dumps wHatever He didh‘+ ea+ ri^H+ ih
    +He +oile+.
    Mon is always ge-Hihg oh ne atou+ hot fihisHihg ny treatfast. But if sHe Had +0 scrape corh flates ou+ of +He to++om of a plas+ic po++y every morhihg, sHe wouldhi Have mucH of ah appe+i+e ei+Her.

    X dont know
X nentioned this before, but X an SUPER ^ood at Video ganes. X*ll bet X could beat ahyone in ny ^rade head-to-head.
    Unfortunately, Pad does not exactly appreciate ny skills. Hes always ^ettih^ on ne about ^oin^ out and doin^ sonethin^ "active."
    So tonight after dinner when Pad started hassling ne about going outside, X tried to explain how with video ganes, you can play sports like -football and soccer, and you dont even get all hot and sweaty.


    X m sore Pad would diSmah-He my game sys+em if
he could figure oo+ how +o do i+. Bu+ luckily, +he people who make +hese -things make +hem parent-proof.

    E-Very time Pad kicks me out
tKe Koose to do SometK'hg sporty, X just go op to Rowley s and play my Video games tKere.
    Unfortunately, tKe only games X can play at Rowleys are car-racing games and stuff like tK<»t.
    Because whenever X bring a game up to Rowley s Koose, }vs dad looks it up on some parents’ Vieb site. And if my game Kas ANY kind
figKting or violence in it, Ke wont let us play.

    Xm getting a little sick
playing Formula One Racing witK Rowley, because Kes not a serious gamer like me. All tK«t you KaVe to do to beat Rowley is name your car sometKing ridiculous at tKe beginning of tKe game.
    Ahd theh when you pass

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