Devil’s in the Details

Devil’s in the Details by Sydney Gibson Page B

Book: Devil’s in the Details by Sydney Gibson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sydney Gibson
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corner, quickly coming face to face with wide eyes of the fourth guard. He scrambled, reaching for the gun holstered on his hip, but failed.
    I had to step to the side as his blood spurt out of his jugular at an unusually high angle. I kicked him onto his back, pushing the knife to the hilt into the side of his neck to finish the job quickly as I pulled back the sleeve of my jacket to look at my watch. Glancing at the digital display, I had less than twenty minutes to meet Sergei and find Katrina. I had to hurry this up.
    I opted to go right to the room with the techno music instead of searching for the last guard, knowing Sergei's screams would draw out the final guard and I could finish them both off at once.
    I took three steps towards the white wooden double doors when I felt two tree trunk sized arms wrap around my waist and lift me up, followed by cursing in Russian.
    I tugged at the arms, but found them to be too thick and strong for me to wiggle free from. I moved quickly, slamming my left hand holding the throwing knife into the thick forearm trying to squeeze the life out of me.
    I hit the floor as a loud scream filled the room. Rolling on my back I saw the fifth guard, grabbing at the knife in his arm, trying to pull it out, but the blood made everything slippery. I smirked as I watched him fall to his knees, desperately trying to yank the knife out before he looked up at me.
    A quick look of confusion crossed his face when he saw that I was a woman, the confusion rapidly turned to anger. I raised an eyebrow watching him scramble for the gun on his hip. I shook my head, smirking wider and jumped to my feet to lunge at him. Throwing a hard angle kick to the edge of his jaw and hearing the loud snap of success as I landed on my knees. He crumbled to the ground dead on his gun side. I reached out, pushing him off his side, shrugging when I saw he had at least gotten the gun halfway out of his holster before I snapped his neck.
    I patted his cheek, looking in his lifeless eyes. "You almost got me."
    Standing up, I removed the backpack. Tucking the PK380 in my back waistband, I grabbed the two push daggers sitting in the bottom. Tossing the empty backpack on the floor, I took a deep breath and headed towards the white double doors holding back the blaring techno music.
    Kicking the double doors open I found Sergei sitting on a large circular bed wearing silk boxers and a black silk robe. He sat facing me, snorting white, mountain sized piles of cocaine on a piece of broken mirror he held in his hand. The techno music was at an ear piercing level, making it clear that Sergei had been oblivious to everything that had gone on around him and that I was now standing in the room with him. I stared at the piece of shit for a second before I started walking towards him, hollering, "Hello Sergei."
    His head shot up when he heard my voice. He threw the mirror to the floor, throwing up clouds of cocaine, "Who the fuck are you?" He looked around for his guards, shouting in a thick broken accent. "Nikolai! Vladimir! Get in here!"
    I chuckled, "They won't be coming anytime soon, Sergei." I continued to walk towards him with my hands at my side, the dagger hilts firmly in my palms and ready to strike like lightning.
    Sergei's eyes dropped to the blood dripping from my gloves. Sergei was a foolish junkie, but he knew why I was there and what I had just done to his guards. He growled at me as he turned to look at the large silver handgun on the brass and granite table just out of reach to his left, "I fucking kill you."
    I shrugged, "You can try." I half smiled at him, moving closer.
    Sergei did try and went to get up to go for his gun. I sighed hard and ran the few steps to him. Moving faster than he expected, I drove the two push daggers deep into the crease of his thighs, immediately severing the deep femoral artery. He screamed out in pain and went to reach down to pull them out of his legs.
    I shook my head, snatching both of his

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