Determined To Live
telling him
the truth - that
I don't love him and never will, and when I'm not being a moron, he
disgusts me - probably won't fly with him. I can't even imagine the beatings I'd
get then. Hell, he'd probably kill me.
actually remains gentle and caring as he helps me wash the
conditioner out, the whole time apologizing for not thinking of me and putting my needs first. When we're done getting clean, with no further
" incident ,"
he helps me out of the shower, takes the plastic off my cast, and
dries me off.
    Then he carries me
back into the larger room with my towel wrapped around me. He pulls
out one of his black t-shirts and hands it to me, asking me if I need
help. I shake my head and pull the shirt on quickly. It stops
mid-thigh on me, so I feel like I'm wearing one of my short
nightgowns from back home. Then he assists me into another pair of
black fatigues.
    Once he's finished,
he helps me back to my cot and tucks me in, rubs my hair, and kisses
the tip of my nose as if I were a little kid. I almost expect him to
sing me a lullaby or read me a bedtime story. But instead, he goes
over to his cot, makes it, and pulls it right up against mine. Then
he goes across the room, locks the door, and turns off the light.
    I hear his cot
squeak and protest as his weight collapses on it. I hear the movement
he makes as he settles in, and then all is quiet. Just as I'm
thinking it's safe and nothing else will happen, I feel the heavy
weight of his thick-muscled arm lay across my stomach. I quit
breathing, waiting for whatever he has planned next. But after
several moments of stillness, and deep steady breathing from his
direction, I relax and allow the nagging thoughts I've had to push
aside for a better time, to come through.
    What the hell is
wrong with him? Why has he changed so much? Is it whatever is in the
vials? Is it medication for a mental illness? And what the hell is up
with those pictures of his parents?
many questions and no answers.

    I slowly wake to
soft morning sunshine lightly kissing my cheek. Raising up on my
arms, I look around the room. The cot that was next to me when I went
to sleep is folded and against the wall. The bedding is also neatly
folded and stacked on a chair. I don't see or hear Jake anywhere.
    Sitting up, I
cringe as the cot makes all kinds of noise, especially when I swing
my legs over the side. I am certain attempting to get away is
hopeless - being one-footed and all - but to not even try is stupid.
    I drop to the floor
and crawl to the door where I raise up, twist the unlocked doorknob,
and back out of the way as it opens. Then I crawl forward and peek
down both ways of the hall, seeing no one. So I cross the hall and
look through the iron bars to the open garage floor below.
    Still no Jake.
    Did he go inside
the armory without me?
    Wouldn't bother
me a bit, but I have a feeling I couldn't be so lucky.
    I can't begin to
think why that is.
    I reach the top of
the stairs and don't even take the time to worry about the intense
butt-bumping bruises these metal stairs are going to leave me. I make
it to the bottom rather quickly and take a brief few seconds to rub
my aching butt before continuing on my knees toward the nearest
Hummer. I reach it and open the drivers side door. Pulling myself up,
I have to turn to get in butt-first...and come face-to-chest with
of course. Like no one saw that coming!
somewhere?" he asks as he smirks at me, his fists on each hip.
    "Jake! I
thought you'd left me. I couldn't find you anywhere," I explain,
hoping to avoid another beating.
    As his hand springs
toward me, I jerk away, expecting pain. But he just places his hand
on my shoulder and his face changes to one of concern.
wouldn't leave you, Canada. You don't ever have to worry about that." -
Oh frikken joy! - "I just went outside to check the main fence. We don't want
those undead beasts to be able to get in, now do we?"
    I have a very
strong feeling it's not the

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