Desperate Times Three - Revolution

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Book: Desperate Times Three - Revolution by Nicholas Antinozzi Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nicholas Antinozzi
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being weeded out.
    Sonya stared down at the poor woman in the wheelchair and pretended to be interested in what the teacher’s pet was spewing to the class. She despised Haley Bend, who was certainly sleeping with their instructor, another person she hated with a passion.
    Sonya had just turned 27 and had graduated at the top of her class from the now defunct University of Minnesota. She wore her black hair cut stylishly and turned heads with her trim physique and Asian good looks. She sat in her chair with her laptop computer open to divert her attention. They were about to kill someone today, and she was being forced to sit and watch it. Sweat trickled down her armpits as she nervously went over her options. She had been prepared to make her stand right there and then, but something told her that now wasn’t the time. She didn’t know why she felt that way; she only knew that she could feel it growing inside of her. She watched as Haley Bend concluded her examination and sauntered back to her seat at the front of the class. She watched as two orderlies unstrapped the woman from her wheelchair, stripped her naked, and callously placed her on the cold steel of the operating table.
    “I want you all to get up now and come down here to the first tier. You’re going to want to see this first-hand. What you have to remember is that this woman is our medical hero. She is going to save a lot of lives today. We’re going to begin by harvesting her corneas.”
    Sonya stood up and felt her stomach churn in protest. She was about to be sick, and she had to get out of that classroom. She held her hand to her mouth and charged out the back door behind her, unnoticed, as everyone else was already moving in the other direction.
    Thankfully, the women’s restroom was just outside the door, and Sonya barely made into the stall before her breakfast exited her stomach. She hung her head over the toilet and retched. Just then, in the middle of her second wave of nausea, Sonya knew what she had to do. She forced her stomach to expel what remained and wiped her hand across her pouting lips. She quickly flushed the toilet and charged back into the empty corridor outside the classroom. She looked to her left and then to her right. There, fifty feet from where she stood was the fire alarm. Without stopping to think, Sonya sprinted to the little red box mounted to the tiled wall and quickly threw the switch.
    Red lights flashed and the alarm rang loud enough to wake the dead. Sonya only hoped that she was in time. She ran back to the door of the classroom and like a shadow quietly blended in with her fellow students as they nervously filed out into the hallway.
    Patty Dahlgren, lying helplessly naked on the cold steel of the operating table, breathed a heavy sigh of relief. Although she could not speak or use her limbs, her mind was clear and sharp. She felt as if she had been asleep and that if they’d only give her time, she would regain the use of her body. She was now a prisoner inside that body, and she knew that she had just cheated death by the barest of margins. Patty silently thanked God and continued to pray.

Chapter 13
    “Morality, like art, means drawing the line someplace.” ~ Oscar Wilde
    Thrill Melbow continued to stare across the room at Jimmy as if he could read his mind. With the cameras in place and the room wired for light and sound, the technicians quickly tested their equipment one last time as Thrill seated himself across from Jimmy and Ken.
    “Thirty seconds,” called a voice from behind Jimmy.
    The room was hot, and the air had grown stale. The smell of sweat and disinfectant was almost enough to make Jimmy want to vomit. He was nervous and felt exactly as he had before a fight. Thrill Melbow was the sharpest knife in the drawer; Jimmy knew that much about the man. There would be no winning a battle of wits with this man; he would have to wait for an opening and take a shot. Ken might never speak to him again,

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