Desires of a Baron

Desires of a Baron by Rose Gordon Page B

Book: Desires of a Baron by Rose Gordon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rose Gordon
off with a blush.
    “Didn’t intend?” Lady Norcourt prompted.
    Lucy flushed again and gave Lady Norcourt an abbreviated account of how she’d lost her post because she’d helped Simon and that the two were quite adamant that they’d each find her employment and how Simon had misunderstood what Giles had meant with his vague offer. “I knew he hadn’t meant to insult me that way, but it would seem it weighed heavily on his conscience,” she concluded with a shrug.
    “Yes, it would have,” Lady Norcourt agreed. She shifted and bit her lip. “He has a hard time articulating things, but I’m sure you already realized that.”
    “ Yes, my lady.”
    Lady Norcourt cringed. “Yes, ma’am, is sufficient.” She tucked a curly tendril of her hair behind her ear. “I’m one of the few who gave up use of my title when I married Mr. Appleton, so there is no need to ‘my lady’ me.”
    “Yes, my—ma’am.”
    Lady Norcourt, or Mrs. Appleton, rather, flashed her a smile and a wink. “I’ll let that pass, but be warned, if you slip again, you’ll be in my debt.”
    Lucy grinned at her teasing tone. Mrs. Appleton seemed vastly different than either of her sons.
    “ Nonetheless,” Mrs. Appleton started. “Both of my sons are nothing if not genuine and I’d be most appreciative if you’d consider helping me at the lending library.”
    “ I’m sorry, but I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
    Mrs. Appleton gave her a sidelong glance and Lucy prayed the older woman wouldn’t see through her. “Has one of them done something to make you feel uncomfortable?”
    “Not at all,” she rushed to say. “They were both perfect gentlemen. You did very well on that score.”
    A sad, shuttered look came over Mrs. Appleton’s face. “I’m afraid I cannot claim the credit where Giles is concerned.” The hurt that laced her words pierced Lucy’s heart as a vague memory from last night came to mind. He’d mentioned something to Seth about an orphanage and a nun. Her curiosity was heightened, but it wasn’t her place to ask anything.
    “I’m sure you did the best you could, my lady,” Lucy said, offering her what she hoped was a reassuring smile.
    Mrs. Appleton returned Lucy’s smile with a watery, wobbly one of her own. “Thank you, but I do believe you are now in my debt.”
    Lucy’s eyes widened. Surely Mrs. Appleton hadn’t been sincere in demanding Lucy pay her recompense.
    “ I should mention that while both of my sons are very genuine and sincere, so am I,” Mrs. Appleton said as if she could read Lucy’s mind. “As it would be, I truly do need some help over at the lending library and think it’d help you remember my name better to spend some time with me there.”
    “ Thank you, but I—”
    “ Am in my debt,” Mrs. Appleton reminded her, a sparkle in her blue eyes. She winked. “I can be just as stubborn.”
    Lucy released a breath and mindlessly twisted her skirt between her fingers. “I don’t know if either of your sons told you this, but I have a son of my own, ma’am, and I can’t stay in London. He’s eleven and prone to trouble.”
    Mrs. Appleton chuckled. “I remember those days.” She waved her hand through the air. “Just bring him with you. We have plenty of books he might enjoy.”
    Lucy stared at the woman, dumbfounded. Clearly she didn’t understand Lucy’s situation. “I don’t want to drive your patronage away.” There, that was tactful, wasn’t it?
    “Madam, I shan’t drive you to tedium by recounting for you all of the ways I’ve scandalized the ton over the years.” She gave Lucy a pointed look. “I’ll only say, the patronage I have left are the ones who care far less about who they’re borrowing the book from just as long as the book itself is more exciting than their own story. Your presence won’t hinder them any more than we could get a third person on this settee.”
    Despite herself, Lucy laughed. “All right. I relent. I shall start working

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