Descent (A Hidden Wings Novella: Prequel)

Descent (A Hidden Wings Novella: Prequel) by Cameo Renae Page A

Book: Descent (A Hidden Wings Novella: Prequel) by Cameo Renae Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cameo Renae
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was desolate and barren, it was the most dismal place to be.
    I would need to get to the porthole as quickly as possible. I just hoped that my new wings would be able to carry me swiftly. I summoned them a few times each day to stretch and strengthen them. They were even more impressive, shiny black and stronger than ever, and seemed to be very strong. Outstretched, they were glorious, and barely fit within the confines of the cave.
    I felt the need to take to the air and had to fight the urges. Wings were meant to fly, but I had to suppress mine for the time being. Soon, they would carry me to safety. Soon they would fly me to the porthole, and back to the world of Alaine and Emma.


    Chapter Twelve
    It had been ten months and I still hadn’t heard a word from Samuel. My worst fear was that he was dead, but I kept pushing that thought out of my mind. I just hoped that he would be able to find me.
    There was no way I could have left a note for him, because the Fallen would have intercepted it.
    He’d been away before, for lengths at a time, and I was aware of the time differences between the mortal world and the Otherworlds. All I could do was to wait it out, and hope for the best.
    I stayed in a small apartment, and spent most of my time working the night shift at a nearby hospital. It kept me busy and helped keep my mind off of Samuel. By the time I came home, I was exhausted. As soon as I showered, had something to eat, and my head hit the pillow… I fell fast asleep. But I never minded sleep, because I dreamt of him.
    Days dragged on and on, and before I knew it two years had flown by. Two years and no word from Samuel. I started to doubt. I started to think that he wasn’t ever going to come back for me.
    One morning, as I sat in a small café , I was approached by a girl. She was staring at me like she knew me. I quickly took a glance behind me, but there was no one else there. Her eyes were bright green and she wore a huge smile on her lips. She had silky red hair, which was pulled back into a long braid, and she was wearing a short white sundress.
    “Alaine,” she spoke softly, “do you remember me?”
    I shook my head. “I’m sorry. Who are you?” There was something familiar about her, but I just couldn’t put my finger on it.
    “I was the one who saved you from the wolves in the cemetery, on your eighteenth birthday. I’m Aurora. Remember?”
    I gasped. That moment in time seemed so long ago, so much like a dream, and I often wondered if it was. “How did you find me?
    “You have Watchers. Not all the time. Just when you need it, and from afar. They keep you safe while you sleep.”
    “Am I in danger?” I glanced around, but there didn’t seem to be anyone else, and the air was only sweet with her scent.
    “Not right now. But I’ve been sent with news.” Aurora’s eyes became saddened, and she took a seat across of me.
    “Is Emma okay?” That was the first thing I could think of.
    “Yes. No one has found out, or knows of the child except for a few who have been sworn to silenc e. I am here to give you news of Samuel.”
    My breath seized as soon as she spoke his name. I swallowed hard, my pulse racing, hoping that she wouldn’t give me any bad news.
    “Is he hurt?”
    “No,” she breathed.
    I sighed in relief. “Oh my! Thank goodness!”
    “No, Alaine,” she took my ha nd in hers, “Samuel is dead.”
    My world froze, and at that moment, a part of me died. I felt my eyes heat with tears. I looked into her eyes again, and they were deeply burdened and concerned for me.
    “What happened?” I needed to hear the truth for myself. I needed to make sure that this wasn’t a hoax or just a horrible dream.
    “ We heard from a source that they found out about his relationship with you, which is forbidden in the Otherworlds. A few of the Fallen members captured him, and took him into

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