Descending Darkness (The Prophesized #3)

Descending Darkness (The Prophesized #3) by Kaitlyn Hoyt Page B

Book: Descending Darkness (The Prophesized #3) by Kaitlyn Hoyt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kaitlyn Hoyt
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glares at Tom for disrupting her sleep. Olive darts out of the room and straight for my legs.
    Letting go of Colton, I reach down and pick Olive up. “It’s okay. I’ll keep you safe,” I tell her as I cradle her against my chest. Colton puts a hand on the small of my back and guides me downstairs. Liam, Logan, Bragden, David, Larkin, and Conner are already downstairs when we get there. In sync, they all turn to look at me. Goodness gracious, why does everyone think I am causing this? Before I came into my powers, natural disasters did occur. Storms do exist. “I’m not causing this storm, so don’t look at me like that.”
    “Just checking,” David mumbles. I sit down on the couch next to Liam, and Colton sits down next to me. Harry Dillion from Channel 12 News is giving a live report of this evening’s weather.
    “A large storm system is making its way through the state tonight, bringing heavy rain and wind gusting above sixty miles per hour. Expect severe pop-up thunderstorms and golf ball size hail with these storms. Some parts in the northernmost section of the state have experienced power outages. We’ll be back on with any new information regarding these storms. Onto other news, two more people have been reported missing in Huntington’s county…”
    The lights flicker as loud thunder rolls outside. I’m not really afraid of storms, but I am very jumpy. I lean into Colton’s side, taking comfort in him. Olive moves onto my lap and curls up into a ball. Colton wraps his arm around my shoulder and pulls me closer. Emma, Natalie, and Tom descend the staircase. Emma and Natalie make their way into the living room while Tom remains at the bottom of the stairs. Emma walks over and sits with David in the chair, and Natalie goes to sit on the floor, but Liam and Logan both scoot over, creating space between the two of them. The couch is plenty big enough for all of us.
    “What time is it?” Emma asks.
    Tom sits down on the floor and checks his watch. “It’s 2:10 a.m. I think it’s just safer for everyone to be downstairs in case of an emergency.” The room lights up when lightning strikes outside. Olive starts shaking in my lap.
    Scared. So scared.
    I reach down and pet her lightly on her back. “It’s going to be okay.” When I finish my sentence, the power goes out and the room plunges into darkness. All the electronics stop running. The house is eerily silent. I snuggle closer to Colton and tighten my grip on Olive.
    “Okay, night time,” Emma says. I laugh, but that actually seems like a good idea.
    However, the loud thunder thinks otherwise. I can feel Colton laugh as I jump again. Besides the lightning striking outside, the room remains dark. Loud creaks let us know the damage the storm is having on the forest surrounding us. The house moans against the impact from the strong winds. I wish I could do something to protect the forest, or stop the storm, but the cell is too big for my magic.
    We all just sit in silence, waiting for the storm to pass. When the thunder lessens, I am finally able to relax a little. I snuggle into Colton’s side and let myself get comfortable. I drift to sleep, knowing that if anything happens, he’ll wake me up.
    “You might want to fix her clothes,” Liam whispers beside me. “You know that Larkin will have something to say if he wakes up and sees her like that.” I feel a hand brush against my thigh, pulling the edge of my shorts down a little, then against my stomach, fixing my shirt. I move a little, but don’t open my eyes. Colton’s chest rumbles beneath me. “He only does it because it gets a reaction out of you and makes her blush.”
    “Ahh, so it’s the girls again. Always the last to wake up,” I hear Bragden say.
    “And you might want to be quiet; we don’t need three tired, cranky girls wreaking havoc on us,” Logan says.
    “Especially that Ryanne,” I mumble against Colton but still don’t move. “I hear she can be a

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