Demon Lord V - God Realm
was Bane. Kayos set off across the rocky terrain, and
the Hound emerged from the grey wall behind him. Kayos rose into
the air and speeded across the rocky terrain, the steeds galloping
below, the ground flying beneath him.

    Chapter Six
    Something made
Ethra glance back, and she yelped and whirled, her hand dropping to
her dagger. A grey man strode towards them, his silver hair
gleaming in the dull light. The rest of the group turned, dumping
Bane on the ground as they reached for their weapons. Ethra stared
at the grey man, who moved with amazing speed. His silver eyes
flicked over them and came to rest on Bane. Ignoring the latent
threat of the crossbows aimed at his heart, he brushed past Ethra
and Sarrin and fell to his knees beside Bane. His hands flashed out
to grip the shining rings on Bane's wrists, and the metal flared at
his touch. With a swift tug, he pulled them through Bane's flesh,
coming away with two intact cuffs. The grey man leant over Bane and
clasped his face, blue light flaring where they touched.
    The dark god's
eyes opened, and Ethra held her breath as the two regarded each
other. Then Bane smiled and the grey man nodded.
    "You are
Bane, the grey man rose to his feet and stepped back, a move that
the four men who had been carrying Bane emulated. Ethra became
aware that the temperature was dropping swiftly, and cast a nervous
glance at Sarrin, but the priestess stared at the grey man. Ethra
looked at Bane again, and gasped. Shadows oozed from his skin and
swirled around him like smoke, pouring through his clothes in a
tide of intense evil that made her gut clench and her skin prickle.
She retreated from its influence with a hand raised to her mouth,
as did Sarrin, her face pale. The grey man walked away to gaze
across the stone landscape, the shackles in one hand.
    Ethra noticed
the three people who had approached while they had been watching
the grey man, and gazed at Bane. A pale, golden-haired girl stood
within the comforting arm of an older man, a hand over her mouth,
her eyes shimmering with tears. The older man looked intensely
relieved, and beyond them, a warrior fondled his sword hilt, a
frown furrowing his brow. Three magnificent horses stood like
statues nearby, and she wondered how such beasts could survive in
this blighted place.
approached the grey man, her hands clasped, and Ethra followed,
curious. He turned, and Sarrin fell to her knees, bowing her
    "You are the
one who prayed to me."
    "Your concern
for my son is laudable."
    Sarrin raised
her head. "You are the one he spoke of, Lord? You are one of the
    "Yes. I am
    Sarrin flung
herself down at his feet in an abject prostration. "Great Lord.
Eldest of the Seven Grey Gods."
belatedly sank to her knees, dumbstruck, and Kayos made a curt
gesture as the other members of the group began to do the same.
"Get up, all of you. Do not bow to me, whoever placed these
shackles upon the Demon Lord."
    Sarrin stood
up, her face twisted with contrition and despair. "We did not know
he was tar'merin, Lord, we beg forgiveness."
    Kayos' brows
almost met above blazing silver eyes, and he raised the glowing
shackles. "You have not the right to use these, or to judge upon
whom they are placed. You have broken one of the highest laws
placed upon mortals."
    Artan stepped
forward. "I put them on him, Lord."
    Rage emanated
from the Grey God in palpable waves, and he reached Artan in a
stride, knocking him down with a powerful blow.
    "No!" Ethra
ran forward, then stopped, stricken with fear. "I told him to do
    Kayos turned
to her, and she cringed. "You are but a child."
    Sarrin held
out a pleading hand. "It was the demi goddess, Rinath, who
influenced her. She is blameless."
    "Where is this
    "Dead. Artan
helped to slay her, and was burnt. The other man is dead. We tried
to remove the shackles, once we realised our mistake. We thought
him a black

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