
Delta-Victor by Clare Revell Page A

Book: Delta-Victor by Clare Revell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Clare Revell
Tags: Christian fiction
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and get to know each other properly without the distraction of work and friends and family. But before that and the wedding, there’s the hen night.”
    “The what?”
    “The hen night. It’s a party for the bride and her female friends before the wedding. The groom and his male friends have one on the same night. That’s called a stag night.”
    Aryna looked up from her work. “What happens?”
    “It’s just a party. All the women bring presents for the bride, usually little things for the house. Or chocolate. Then they eat, drink, and play silly games. The men usually get drunk and tie the groom to a lamp post fifty miles from home.”
    They didn’t understand that, so she had to explain more.
    Shocked silence met her.
    “It doesn’t happen very often though. It’s just a last fling with your mates before you commit yourself to someone for life.”
    “It sounds lovely,” Keika said. “When does it usually happen?”
    “Traditionally it’s the night before the wedding, but most people have it a few days before.”
    Tayba looked at Aryna. “Please speak to Kelmac. We do not have much time. Perhaps tonight?”
    “I will speak with him now.” She went in search of her husband. She was gone only a few minutes before retuning. “He agrees. We may have them tonight.”
    Plans swiftly got underway.
    Lou and Jim, being the token British man, found themselves expected to organize the parties.
    It didn’t take long before an irate Jim sought her out. “I don’t know what to do,” Jim grumbled. “I’ve never been to one. Trust you to come up with the idea.”
    “We were just talking. And I haven’t been to one either.” Lou scowled. Why was this her fault? “The important thing is they enjoy it.”
    “Can’t we do a joint one?”
    “No. You come up with your own ideas.”
    Jim glared at her. “But it wasn’t my idea, was it? It was yours. And I’ve got three hours to plan and get my work done at the same time.”
    “Jim, it’s the least we can do for them. They have fed and clothed and housed us. What little they had left after the fire, they willingly shared with us. Besides if you are leaving after the wedding, it’s a good a way as any to say goodbye.”
    “Aren’t you coming with us?”
    “Yeah, of course I am,” Lou answered quickly. “The others might not want to leave, though.”
    Jim scowled. “You know very well the only stumbling block to going home is you.”
    “Yeah, well, I have an appointment with Mafuso and a party to plan. You go plan yours and worry about going home in a couple of days’ time.” She swung away on the crutches, whistling to Deefer.
    It was worrisome to Jim that she continued to use the crutches, despite Mafuso’s best efforts to convince her that she no longer needed them. Her leg seemed to hurt continuously, although she told him constantly it was fine, and that it didn’t bother her anymore. Yet she remained on the crutches.
    Mafuso had checked her over. “It does not hurt? Your wounds are healing.”
    She shook her head. “You did a good job. Thank you. I’ll miss not seeing you every day. You said yourself it’s healed, so I needn’t waste your time.”
    He frowned, and then took her hand. “You are not wasting my time. Neither do you need the crutches to walk, you know that very well.”
    “There is no way I can keep up with the others without them,” she insisted. “Or Deefer. And I can’t stop taking him for walks and stuff. Even if it is just around the village.”
    “But on those…” Mafuso paused. “You are a pretty girl, but how will you find a husband if you can’t…” He broke off.
    She pushed to her feet. “I know you mean well, but I’m fine like this, honestly. It’s not like I’m ever planning to get married or anything. And speaking of weddings, I have to go plan this party for tonight. See you later.”
    She headed outside and over to join the others.
    Jim had no idea what to do for Lou at this point. And he

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