Deliciously Erotic Romance Collection (The Blue Room, Frosted Midnight, Haunted Halloween, Frosted Midnight)

Deliciously Erotic Romance Collection (The Blue Room, Frosted Midnight, Haunted Halloween, Frosted Midnight) by Breena Wilde Page A

Book: Deliciously Erotic Romance Collection (The Blue Room, Frosted Midnight, Haunted Halloween, Frosted Midnight) by Breena Wilde Read Free Book Online
Authors: Breena Wilde
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had to make that happen.”
    “Serious?” I said. Tears of happiness streamed down my face. “That is… You are the kindest man I’ve ever known.”
    He took my hand and we walked toward the priest.
    When we were close, the priest smiled and met us. “You must be Austin and Willow?”
    Austin shook the man’s hand. “That’s us,” he said.
    The priest smiled. “I’m Reverend Smythe. It’s good to meet you both.” He shook my hand. “Well, if we want to do this while the sun is setting we’d better get a move on.”
    I was still crying as we walked toward our rock. It was a beautiful day. A tender peace filled my heart.
    This is a good sign, right? I thought. 
    Reverend Smythe stood with his back facing the sunset. We stood on either side of him.
    “Please take each other’s hands.”
    We did. There was always a crowd on the beach at sunset. Several stopped to watch.
    “Do you, Austin Merrick, take Willow St. James to be your lawfully wedded wife? Do you promise to love her, honor her, and cherish her for as long as you both shall live?”
    I listened to the Reverend, but inside all I kept thinking was, it’s happening. This is really happening. I can’t believe this is happening.
    Austin said, “I do.”
    The priest turned to me. “Do you, Willow St. James, take Austin Merrick to be your lawfully wedded husband? Do you promise to love him, honor him, and cherish him for as long as you both shall live?” At the reverend’s words, I got choked up. I hoped it would be for a long, long time, but it might be only two more days.
    Austin shook my hands. “Will?”
    I swallowed. “I do. Of course I do.”
    Reverand Smythe smiled. “Then by the power vested in me by the state of Oregon, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride.”
    Austin pulled me to him, lifted me into his arms and kissed me. Cheers came from the random crowd behind us. When he set me down, we shook the Reverend’s hand again.
    “Thank you, sir,” I said.
    “Thanks,” Austin said.
    “You’re welcome. My work here is done.” While the priest walked away, the random people came up to us and congratulated us.
    It was the best moment of my life aside from the birth of Emma.
    “I love you, Austin. Thank you so much for doing this. It was perfect.”

    After the wedding and a lovely dinner overlooking the coastline, we went back to my house.  It was stuffy. Austin and I went around opening windows.
    “Well, Mrs. Merrick, what do you intend to do with this house now that you’re going to be living with me?”
    I beamed internally at the way he called me Mrs. Merrick. “I’m not sure. My mom and sisters already have their own.” I shrugged. “I guess I’ll put it up for sale.” The thought of leaving the house made me sad. I had a lot of memories here, but I couldn’t expect my mom and sisters to keep it up. Plus, I still had a mortgage.
    Austin came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. “You want to keep it, don’t you?”
    My body tingled at his touch. I did want to keep it, but if I had to choose between Austin and this house, there was no contest. Of course I’d choose Austin.
    “Not as much as I want to be with you. But we should probably put it on the market quickly. I have a little savings, but the next mortgage payment is coming up soon. “ I turned and put my arms around his neck, pulling him in for a kiss.
    His face was serious. “You love it here, don’t you?” he asked after a kiss that was too short.
    I nodded. “I always imagined taking Emma to the same beach I grew up on, but it’s okay. We’ll make new memories at your house, which is so small we’ll be cramped, but I’ll manage.” I was being sarcastic and Austin knew it. His house was a mansion with over ten thousand square feet. I wasn’t even sure I’d seen the whole thing yet. There were also two guesthouses, a pool house, and a barn. His shack sat on twenty-five acres. I knew for a fact I hadn’t

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