Delecto - Games of Mastery (part 1)
somewhere. Wherever you want it,
I'll fuck you with it. All night, if you can take it. Come back
inside, Amanda, please?”
    I was beyond
tempted to experience everything he was offering. His words turned
me on like nothing else ever had.
    Heaven help
me...he had a filthy mouth and I liked it beyond all rhyme and
    But before I
had the chance to think another thought, or to move in reaction, a
blinding vision of my mother's face appeared before me dampening my
excitement like a bucket of icy cold water on my head.
    How disgusting
could I him a hand job outside his front door? Letting
him do those things to me? And what was worse, indulging myself in
such a filthy, crude way on the anniversary of my mother's death?
So much for my day of quiet mourning and reflection.
    I was hoping
and praying, wherever she was, she wasn't watching over me right
now. I was so ashamed of myself, and not a daughter to be proud of,
at all.
    But still, I
couldn't stop. My hand couldn't stop. I couldn't remove it from
him. It was attached to him by a much stronger substance than the
guilt and self disgust I was feeling. My mind waged a battle, as I
stroked at him, enjoying every second and dying inside with my
    Decency won out
in the end.
    I wrenched my
hand from his sublime warmth and stood before him in tears. I felt
so sick with myself and so angry with him showing me for what I
really was. I was a loose woman, a filthy tart. A disgusting little
slut who wanted his cock like I've never wanted anything before.
Perhaps I deserved him? To be played with. To be punished for my
sins. To be used and abused, as he surely planned. He could so
easily fuck me to death and screw my mind up even more.
    “ This was... a huge... mistake. ” A wild sob broke
out of me.
    His face showed
surprise, then he groaned loudly with realization, and bent over,
placing his hands upon his knees, trying to get himself under
    “ No. No mistake, Mandy, ” he growled like an
enraged lion, deprived of his mating rights. And, raising his head,
he glared at me, bitterly. His breathing was so wild and furious.
At that moment I was scared at what I had unleashed in
    The taxi
appeared at the gate in the distance, its headlights shining down
the graveled drive behind the trees.
    I said a
silent prayer. Thank God.
    Then broke into
a run in its direction.
    “ You can
run, but I'll come for you. You hear me? I always get what I want,
and what I want is you. AMANDA
PRESTON. ” He ended his mission statement with a
booming voice.
    I didn't look
back. Twenty yards more and I reached the safety of the iron side
gate, and I left his estate and him behind. I collapsed in the back
of the taxi and after giving the driver my address, I closed my
eyes, trying to blot things out. But I wasn't able to. All I could
see was him, those green eyes begging me and his fury at my
rejection. I wept, silently. I wept all the way home. I cried
because I'd wanted all that he did. Because I got what I asked for.
Because I wanted so much more of it now. Because of the truth of
his words. Because I did want him, more than anything. He was
raging like fire in my blood and I couldn't imagine how I could
ever douse the flames.
    My body was
aching, crying out for him. I wiped my wet face with my fingers and
I could smell him all over them. I breathed in the scent
    Why did I want
him so much?
    ...Every little
word he spoke. Every look he gave me. Every touch on my body. Every
note he'd played for me. Everything he was. Every second spent with
him was pure heaven...
    He was
irresistible. And I was no exception to that rule. I wondered how
many there had been before me and how many more would follow. How
many female lambs had gone to the Sebastian slaughter? I just
needed to acknowledge that that was where I was likely to be
    * *
    We came to a
    “ You're
home, Miss.”
    I opened my
eyes, thanked the driver and left the cab

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