Defiant Impostor
pleading with him to answer in kind as a servant walked by them.
"I'm sure we'll talk again soon. Perhaps, when you have time, you could
show me more of the plantation."
    "I'd be delighted, Miss Cary," he replied,
realizing that their outward formality would extend to any times other than
when they were alone. He didn't exactly like the idea, but if it was the way to
win her, he would do it. "Sleep well." And as he watched her ascend
the stairs without even a backward glance, her natural grace causing her
slender hips to sway provocatively, he found himself looking forward to the
coming days with great anticipation indeed.
    So he didn't have a betrothal to announce on Saturday,
he thought, striding into the library to pour himself a brandy. He would
announce it soon enough, though, once he cornered her a few times alone and she
discovered exactly what kind of game they were playing.
    Raising his glass, Adam silently toasted the revenge
that was almost within his grasp, then he tossed down the fiery contents,
thinking of the woman who would make it possible.
    His beautiful, acquiescent, and oh-so-delectable



    Chapter 6

    Susanna was up to her chin in lavender-scented bubbles,
luxuriating in her first full bath since she had left England, when Corliss
returned from downstairs with clean towels and an unexpected message from Adam.
    "Mr. Thornton says he has time this morning to
show you the rest of the plantation, Miss Camille. What do you want me to tell
him? He's waiting in the library."
    The tranquility of her bath spoiled by this intrusion,
Susanna bit off a tart response as she glanced at the mantel clock.
    Only half past eight! He had a lot of gall to bother
her so early. Clearly he was eager to begin their courtship, which made her all
the more eager to frustrate him. She wanted to spend no more time with him than
was absolutely necessary to maintain her illusion of welcoming his advances, no
matter what she had said to him last evening about seeing more of the
plantation. That statement had been merely for the servant's benefit. She could
bloody well explore Briarwood on her own.
    "Kindly tell Mr. Thornton that I won't be ready
for at least another two hours," Susanna instructed, swept by a heady
sense of mischief. "Perhaps we should wait until another day. I know how
busy he must be. I don't want to keep him from his work. But please thank him,
Corliss, for his gracious offer."
    "Yes, Miss Camille."
    As the maid set the towels on a low table pulled close
to the tub and left the room, Susanna smiled to herself.
    Adam had said that they had time for a proper courting,
she thought, playfully flicking bubbles with her toes. It was her intention to
make this the longest and most secretive courtship on record, at least until
she had decided upon the man she really wanted.
    The overbearing, overconfident lout! She still couldn't
believe how easily she had deceived him and how readily he had accepted her
conditions to his preposterous proposal, especially the one about their
courtship remaining a secret. She didn't want anyone—especially the servants—to
know that there was anything between her and Adam; her reputation truly was at
stake. She had no intention of jeopardizing her chances of marrying the right
man by having Camille's good name sullied in any way.
    In the letters Camille had shared with her, Mr. Cary
had claimed Adam was intelligent, but he was a total fool when it came to
women, Susanna decided. He truly believed that she would consider him as a
potential husband. Had he no sense of what was proper? Why, it would be as if
she, a lady's maid, had come to Briarwood with the intention of marrying a
wealthy planter's son. Impossible! Absurd! It simply wasn't done!
    Susanna shrugged, at a complete loss, and concentrated
upon soaping her arm with long, languorous strokes.
    If and when Adam realized her true intentions, it would
be too late. He would find himself without an heiress and

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