
Deepforge by R.J. Washburn, Ron Washburn Page B

Book: Deepforge by R.J. Washburn, Ron Washburn Read Free Book Online
Authors: R.J. Washburn, Ron Washburn
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    Grognor began to go to her, when Bōddy stopped him.
    “She’s not done yet,” Bōddy said, smiling with anticipation. “ Now she’s pissed.”
    Grognor looked at his dwarven warriors. They all shared his same frustration. Pearl stood straight up and quickly healed herself. She was a bright, multi-colored light as she shook off the dust. Her anger was evident.
    “Oh, that’s it Mister Dragon, no more playtime! It’s time to teach you some manners!” Pearl said in the cutest, highest childlike tone.
    Grongor held back his laughter at this.
    The dragon roared again and began descending toward the group, inhaling for another attack. Pearl flew rapidly toward the dragon and impacted square on his nose, getting his attention. Then as the dragon began to turn around to expel a fire attack, she dived back toward the arena. The dragon tried its best to keep up with the pixie, and let go its fire harmlessly into the sky. It dived to attack the pixie who then suddenly stopped and began flying around its head again, but this time it was different. The light she emitted was too bright to look at directly. The dragon roared and tried desperately to get away from the annoying creature, unaware it was still diving.
    “This is it!” Bōddy yelled and stood ready.
    In a massive crash, the dragon impacted with the ground, causing it to heave and send shockwaves outward. The warriors nearly lost their footing.
    “Now! Attack!” Bōddy said, and ran forward.
    The dwarves suddenly surged forward with the rest of them. Pearl flew up high and dive bombed the dragon, hitting it again and again in the head, making it more and more angry. It only partially noticed the army of warriors rushing it as it became ever more obsessed with killing the annoying pixie. It inhaled again just as the warriors reached it. Bōddy hit it first with his dainty looking sword, the impact reported with a loud ‘clang’. Grognor was surprised to see that the anemic sword had cut a deep gash in the dragon! He quickly shook off his surprise and jumped onto the dragon’s back, slashing with his axe and smashing with his hammer. The dragon roared in pain and anger and managed to get back onto its feet. It let go a massive blast of fire directly at the storming warriors.
    The flames seemed to be from the very pit of Hell itself, turning the sand of the arena floor to glass and radiating out like the heat of the yellow sun. The fire obscured the charging warriors only for a moment. As the flames quickly faded away, the unharmed warriors stood just beyond the breath weapon’s reach, smiling.
    The dragon was confused. It had…missed? In his mind it was impossible! Somehow these raging warriors had sidestepped the attack. As it inhaled for another attack, it felt terrible pain coming from its head. It scrambled to become airborne and swat away the pesky creatures as the warriors all descended upon him at nearly the same time.
    They attacked with swords, axes, hammers, spears, bare hands, rocks, and just about any weapon they could get a hold of. The dragon roared in pain as the combined forces literally tore it apart. It never got off the ground before its evil heart stopped beating from lack of blood, blood that soaked the arena floor and all the warriors. They cheered a combined cry of victory. The villagers slowly returned to the arena to see a never before witnessed sight: Warriors of all races congratulating each other on the felling of a massive red dragon. Pearl, no longer angry, flew in intricate patterns in the afternoon sunlight. Pixie-flowers, starbursts, and other beautiful multi-colored displays were seen. Queen Kathryn and Taylen returned hand in hand to the surreal scene before them.
    “Wow! This is amazing!” Taylen said as he looked on.
    “This is a unique beginning to the Spring Games, for sure!” Kathryn said, amazed at the sight.
    The body of the dragon sat near center of the area, which was soaked in its blood. The warriors

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