Deep Waters

Deep Waters by H. I. Larry Page A

Book: Deep Waters by H. I. Larry Read Free Book Online
Authors: H. I. Larry
Tags: Ebook, book
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like a submarine and across land too.’
    Big Turtle handed Zac a set of keys.
    â€˜Ever piloted one before?’ she asked.
    Zac shook his head.
    He didn’t know what his next mission was, but he didn’t care. Wherever he was going, he was going there in the amphibious submersible.
    It sure beat learning about coral!

    Right, thought Zac to himself, as he settled back in the amphibious submersible’s cockpit, how hard can it really be to pilot this thing?
    Zac’s brother Leon would have known exactly how to get the amphibious submersible started. The entire Power family were spies, but Leon was the techno-geek of the family. But after Zac almost single-handedly completed their Poison Island mission and saved Leon’s life, GIB had decided Zac was ready for his first solo mission.
    Leon was transferred from Field Agent to Technical Officer. It seemed like the perfect arrangement to both of them.
    Zac looked at the panel of dials and flashing lights in front of him.There was no simple ‘on’ button, or anywhere obvious to put the ignition key.
    The briefest doubt flickered through his mind. If he couldn’t even figure out how to pilot an amphibious submersible, was he really ready for a solo mission? But when it came to his talents, Zac never wasted much time doubting himself. Of course he was ready to be a solo spy – even if he was still only 12 years old.
    Zac fished around in the seat pocket for the instruction manual.There it was – and it was about as thick as his maths textbook!
    There was no way Zac was reading all that boring stuff. He flicked straight to the last page and quickly scanned it. Then he chucked the whole thing over his shoulder and into the bin.
    He pressed a green button, and then a flashing yellow one. The amphibious submersible’s engine responded with a series of very loud, very satisfying revs.
    Then a dial labelled ‘speed control’ caught Zac’s eye. He turned it up as far as it would go. The amphibious sub-mersible shot forward!

    A thrill raced through Zac’s body. This was way better than a school excursion, staring into boring old fish tanks.
    Fish tanks?
    Suddenly, Zac remembered he was still inside the turtle tank at the aquarium.The amphibious submersible was racing at top speed towards a huge glass wall that stood between him and the West Sea.
    Frantically, Zac looked around for the exit. There seemed no way out. Was there a button on the dashboard that would somehow slide the glass aside? Zac wondered. It was probably somewhere in the instruction manual.
    But then, Zac hadn’t read it!
    Faster and faster Zac sped towards the glass wall. If he hit it, the glass would break into a million pieces. And Zac didn’t like to think what would happen to the amphibious submersible!
    Then Zac saw something. The glove box! He popped it open. Inside, he saw a remote control that looked exactly like his garage-door opener at home. He hit the big red button on the top.
    The glass wall began to slide out of the way! Zac shot through the gap with only millimetres to spare. He was out in the open sea.
    Zac pulled down the visor in front of him to check his hair. And there, taped right across the mirror was a small metal disc with a note attached.

    Zac sighed. The fun was over. It was time for work again.
    He pulled his SpyPad from his pocket. A SpyPad looks a bit like an electronic game but it is actually a mini-computer, satellite mobile phone and laser, all rolled into one. Every GIB spy has to have one.

    Zac loaded the disc into his SpyPad.

    Top-secret sources tell us a new type
of submarine has been invented.
    An ordinary submarine can
dive 1500 feet below sea level.
    Rumour has it this new sub can
dive 4000 feet below sea level.
    The new submarine is due to be tested
somewhere in the West Sea
in the next 24 hours.

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