Shehoped the electronic homing device hidden in a
temporary filling would lead a rescue team to them before she found out.
    “Speak to Miss Branningon,” Clayburn
insisted in an edgier, tightly restrained tone.
    Roarke gave her a low, rough warning.
“Don’t do anything he says.”
    Relief washed through Melanie at the
deep, commanding sound of his voice. Her heart leapt with joy, knowing he was
alive and so close. Sheturned her attention
forward, realizing he was seated a few feet in front of her. She wanted to see
him and touch him and make sure he was all right, but the blindfold didn’t
allow her even a glimmer of light.
    Her breath caught in her throat, her
pulse pound ing
in her ears as she realized just how much
he meant to her and, simultaneously, that she woulddo anything to keep him alive.
    “Roarke?” She cried his name, but the
thick gag in her mouth muffled the sound and added to her frustration.
    Clayburn answered for him. “He’s fine,
Miss Branningon, and happy to see you, I’m sure. He has a video of mine, but
he’s refusing to tell me where it’s hidden. I thought we might make our own
little video of the two of you. Then maybe his renowned chivalry will convince
him to swap with me. Don’t you think that’s a good idea? You can nod your
    When she didn’t move, one of the goons
grasped a handful of her hair. She stifled a groan as he gave it a rough tug
and snapped her head backward.
    “Leave her alone!” growled Roarke.
    Her hair was released, and she shook her
head, the tangle of spiraling curls falling back to her shoulders. Her scalp
stung, but at least she’d learned that Roarke wasn’t blindfolded. He could see
her even if she couldn’t see him. She didn’t know if that was good or bad, but
the blindness was totally unnerving.
    “If you hurt her, Clayburn, I’ll cut your
heart out and stuff it down your throat!”
    Taunting laughter followed the harsh
    “You’re not in much of a position to
threaten, d
etective. It seems I have the upper hand,
but never let it be said that I’m not a gentlemen. I don’t intend to hurt Miss
Branningon. In fact, I’m going to do her a favor. My informants at the police
department say she has the hots for you, but you haven’t been very
accommodating.So I’m going to give
her something you’ve been slow to offer: some long-denied sexual satisfaction.”
    Melanie stiffened at the veiled threat
behind Clayburn’s smooth talk. A violent tremor shot through her as the
horrible thought of gang-rape flashed through her mind. Roarke swore profusely,
his tone dark and dangerous, but his warnings fell on deaf ears. Clayburn just
    “Remove her gag,” he ordered. “It’s time
to get this video rolling. The blindfold will have to stay, but it’ll add a
hint of mystery to the film.”
    As soon as the cloth was removed, Melanie
licked her lips and swallowed hard. Her mouth was dry and sore. She wanted to
rub her hands over her lips to wipe away the feel of the offensive cloth, but
the hands on her arms were like vises. They didn’t give an inch.
    “I think the first thing we need to do is
make Miss Branningon a little more comfortable, boys. Help her out of her
    “No!” Melanie tried to scream, but her
throat was dry and the sound was little more than a squeak. Her arms were
practically numb, but she jerked her shoulders in an effort to twist out of
their reach. She had to hold them off somehow until the rescue team could get
here. Her feet were bare, but since they were supporting most her weight, she
tried to kicktheir shins.
    They quickly and easily overpowered her.
Each man caught one of her legs between his own and effectively pinned her in
    She heard Roarke swear viciously again,
and then he warned her not to fight them. It would only make things worse, and
she didn’t have a chance against their combined strength.
    Clayburn chuckled and complimented him on
the logic of his

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