Deceiving Her Boss

Deceiving Her Boss by Elizabeth Powers Page B

Book: Deceiving Her Boss by Elizabeth Powers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Powers
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but Sean shook his head.  "Let's go out and get a really good Cuban
dinner.  I'll ask the concierge to make us a reservation," he added.
But Allie grinned.  "Forget reservations," she said.  "If you're
game, let's just go over to Little Havana.  The food is bound to be a lot
better than at any of the gourmet Cuban restaurants, and I doubt we'll need a
Back at the hotel, they changed out of their business clothes.  Allie pulled
out a sleeveless sundress in a soft blue color, and added a pair of beaded
sandals.  Grabbing a light sweater in case the night got chilly, she headed
down to the lobby where Sean was already waiting for her.  He was dressed in a
pair of khaki shorts and a soft red polo shirt, and had on a pair of casual
sandals as well.
Little Havana was just as Allie remembered it from her last visit to Miami.  Vibrant
and full of life, the area itself was not really a great spot for tourists, but
was home to amazing Cuban food and drink.  They ate at a small restaurant
recommended by one of the locals, and walked around a bit, but didn't stay
late, since their driver warned that the place could get a bit dicey after
dark.  Instead, he took them down to Miami Beach, where they found a place on
the water for drinks.
"I take it back," Allie said as she finished her drink, then leaned
back in the comfortable chair and felt the ocean breeze blowing softly through
her hair.  "I don't hate Miami at all.  I could get used to this,"
she sighed.
Sean smiled over at her.  "Want to go for a walk by the water?"
"Sure," Allie agreed.
Sean settled up their check, and then pulled out Allie's chair for her and
offered her his hand.  She took it, and they weaved their way through the
tables in the restaurant until they reached the sand of the beach.  Allie bent
down and pulled off her sandals, and Sean did the same. 
"This is nice," Allie said, as they strolled down to the water.  She
held her shoes in one hand, and with the other, pulled back her hair to prevent
it from blowing in her face.
"I love the ocean at night," Sean agreed.  "It has a completely
different feel from during the day.  It's more powerful, and darker.  In an
emotional sense," he added with a grin.
"I knew what you meant," Allie smiled.  "I think I love it best
in the rain."
"Did you go to the ocean a lot when you were a kid?"
"Not really.  We stayed pretty close to home when I was young.   But once
I went away to college, the travel bug sort of hit me.  And then all I wanted
to do was see new things.  I spent some time in the Keys, and then just
traveled up the coast for a while."
"I can't quite see you as a free-spirited nomad," Sean said
Allie laughed.  "I was a nomad for about five months.  And then I decided
that eating more than ramen noodles was a good idea, as was having a place to
call home.  So I got a job, and settled down a bit and the rest is
"So I want to hear more about these free-spirited days," Sean teased
as they walked along the beach.
"Not much to tell," Allie shrugged.  "I learned a lot about
myself.  And my own need for security, and a job I love.  I worked some pretty
awful jobs for a while," she said.  "And I learned that I wanted to
do something more with my life."
"So you ended up working for me," Sean mused.  "Is it what you
hoped for all those years ago?"
"More.  Better.  Like I told you a few weeks ago, I love this work.  It's
why I was willing to do anything to get the job, and anything to keep it.  I
can't imagine finding anything better."
Sean came to a stop on the beach, looking out over the dark water.  "If I
had fired you..."
Allie drew up beside him and dropped her shoes onto the sand beside her, where
Sean had already placed his.  "I would have found another job, and I may
have grown to like it.  But I would have always regretted deceiving you,"
she admitted.  "I

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