
Deceived by Stephanie Nelson Page A

Book: Deceived by Stephanie Nelson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stephanie Nelson
Tags: Urban Fantasy, indie
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few people gave me strange looks as I ran through the castle laughing like a crazed woman . I’m sure they thought I’d lost my mind, maybe I had, who knows what spell Fiona accidently concocted.
    I darted through the gym door and pausing a moment to take a breath, I rushed a practice dummy. “You want a piece of me?” I bounced on my feet like a boxer and held my hands in front of my face ready to strike the dummy. My fist connected with the plastic face. “Take that biatch !” I laughed as I punched again.  My leg kicked at the mannequin’s stomach, but before I could make contact a voice disrupted my concentration, and I fell backwards.
    “Way to go, ninja,” Dorian said from behind me. Tilting my head backwards, I saw Dorian standing a few feet away with a grin plastered on his face. My laughter rose as I watched him upside down.
    “You drunk?” Dorian asked.
    Rolling onto my side, I bounced to my feet. “No, I’m mad at you, Mr. Death Boy.”
    “Mr. Death Boy? What are you like five years old?” Dorian chuckled.
    “Ha ha very funny. You’re the one who left me on the side of the street, so don’t talk about maturity to me, bucko.”
    He shrugged out of his leather jacket and laid it off to the side and then chucked his sunglasses on top of his coat
    “I did, and I apologize for leaving you . You are very irritating sometimes. Looks like you made it back in one piece though, so no harm no foul.”
    My lip lifted on one side as I sneered. He didn’t know what happened to me, and I wasn’t planning on telling him. I was done playing the victim.
    “ Wanna practice on something real?”
    “No,” I bit out and turned back to the dummy. My annoyance drove my energy over the edge. I punched the dummy again and it rocked back and forth from the force.
    “Afraid I’ll hit back?” Dorian teased from behind me.
    I whirled around and stalked towards him, fully ready to take him down a few notches. Magic rushed through my veins like a wild river driven by the spell. My arm lashed out and a smile spread across my face at the notion of landing a blow to his pre tty face, but I celebrated too soon . Dorian blocked my arm and with a flat palm, pushed me backwards with more force than I expected. A whoosh of air tore through my lungs and left me gasping. My body raced with adrenaline, so I recovered quickly . My emotions were just as amped as my body and my anger roared to life. I charged at Dorian like a bull attacking a matador, I think I even grunted.
    Once I got close enough, I dropped to the floor and swung my leg out, sweeping his legs. He went down with a thud. I laughed in victory but was cut short when Dorian jumped up and came at me. The smile on his face made it evident he enjoyed sparring with me, which ticked me off more. We circled around each other, his cloudy eyes calculating my every move. Occasionally, one of us would strike, but the blow would either be blocked or dodged. He was a lot more fun to practice with than the dummy, but I wouldn’t let him know that.
    Footsteps sounded in the doorway, and he looked away. I used the distraction to my advantage and charged. I landed on top of him, my hips pinning his waist while my hands held onto his arms.
    “Um, am I interrupting something?” Fiona asked from the doorway.
    I recognized the way Dorian and I were positioned and realized it most likely looked intimate. I scurried to my feet after noticing the look of desire in his gray eyes.
    “No, we were just sp arring.” I squealed. Ethan stood behind Fiona and snickered. Dorian climbed to his feet and smoothed his shirt, throwing an amused look my way.
    “Well, I have the remedy,” Fiona said, motioning with her head to follow her and Ethan. Without another look at Dorian, I walked away.
    “What?” I turned around and faced Dorian. I kept my eyes down, not sure why I couldn’t make eye contact with the angel of death or, at least, not willing to acknowledge the reason.

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