Decay (Book 2): Humanity

Decay (Book 2): Humanity by Linus Locke Page B

Book: Decay (Book 2): Humanity by Linus Locke Read Free Book Online
Authors: Linus Locke
Tags: Zombie Apocalypse
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passenger’s seat of the BMW and looked back at the two AR-15 assault rifles on the back seat and the two ammo boxes on the floor. He was kind of glad they hadn’t put the .50 cal in here. He didn’t want to see it again. But it was the first time that back seat was empty of anyone else since they left Clay Hills. He looked out the window at Guillermo, perhaps there would be someone going with them after all.
    “I can’t leave right now, Guillermo. I have to help out here first. I’ll be waiting for you when you come back this way,” Reese said.
    “I don’t know where we will go after we get to Iowa, but I promise to come back.” Guillermo wrapped her in his arms and they hugged for what seemed like forever, but when it was over Guillermo knew it happened way too fast.
    Guillermo climbed in the BMW and Jonathan looked at him. “I guess it is just you and I, brother.”
    “That just means there is no one to slow us down now,” Guillermo responded. He didn’t shed any tears, but Jonathan could see he was heartbroken by leaving Reese behind.
    I know how you feel , Jonathan thought.
    Guillermo backed the BMW up as Jonathan laid the seat back. Jonathan pressed the buttons in the center console to activate the heaters in the seats while they waited for the engine to warm up enough to warm the inside of the car. Just for fun, Guillermo pressed the gas down hard and watched as what little bit of snow was loose enough rooster-tailed in the air. Jonathan smiled and drifted off to sleep.
    “He sounded like he was coming back for you,” Eric said without looking at Laikynn as she walked up beside him. “I think he cares for you, Laikynn. You know that he has something he has to do. He didn’t ask you to go because he wants you to be safe.”
    “I’m not even worried about that,” Laikynn lied.
    Eric looked at her, staring through that lie. “That’s why you didn’t see him off. Besides, you weren’t sent here to fall in love. You have other orders.”
    Laikynn stepped ahead of Eric with Reese walking up next to her. Laikynn put her arm around Reese and pulled her close to her side. The car was out of sight, but the engine could still be heard in the distance. “May misfortune follow you the rest of your life, and never catch up.”

Chapter 14
    “You shaved!” Mark stated more than asked.
    “Of course, I’m heading home to see my wife. I can’t go looking like a bum now can I?” Deacon replied as he walked out onto the deck by the pool. He had also lost some weight; both men had, as Deacon only brought enough supplies for one person and a little extra for emergencies.
    “I feel like we have been on this damn boat for a year,” exclaimed Mark.
    “Hey now! This is a good yacht, and I told you it’s like a ten day boat ride between Hawaii and California. We are almost there though. Besides, you were the one who wanted to tag along. You see that?” Deacon pointed to a small bump of land in the water. “There are a couple small islands about twenty-five to thirty miles off the coast of California. That’s them. Three hours longer or so.”
    “Is anyone alive on the islands?” Mark cupped his hands over his eyes for a better view before Deacon handed him a pair of binoculars.
    “I doubt it. When I first came out I drifted close to Avalon on Santa Catalina. Looked like everyone there was dead. Probably had too many people seek shelter there. It seems like a safe place to go with so much of the island being uninhabited. I once met a couple that survived, amazingly I might add, on Alcatraz. They said it was horrible. So many people rushed the ferry looking for safety, and only a few made it off alive.”
    Mark decided to change the subject by asking, “Where is our stop?”
    “We will anchor down a few miles off the coast of Clay Hills. Then take the boat to shore. I can’t wait to wrap my arms around Sophia and the twins. I didn’t think I’d care much for the twins; I’ve never cared much

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