Death in Zanzibar

Death in Zanzibar by M. M. Kaye Page B

Book: Death in Zanzibar by M. M. Kaye Read Free Book Online
Authors: M. M. Kaye
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    â€˜I’m so sorry, Mr Holden. I had no idea that you would be needing me this afternoon. Will you excuse me Mrs Bingham? It seems that I have some work to do. Thank you for the tea, Larry.’
    She introduced Lash to the assembled company, and left. But she had been back in the bridal suite for less than five minutes when the door opened violently to disclose her employer.
    He banged it shut behind him and said furiously: ‘Say, have you taken leave of your senses? What the heck do you mean by flaunting yourself all over Nairobi and letting yourself get picked up by any Tom, Dick or Harry? Hell! d’you know who you’ve been getting off with? A newspaperman! Of all people to pick — of all people! And that blue-haired dame is Tyson Frost’s sister. Your step-aunt, by God! Do you suppose she hasn’t recognized you? You’ll probably wake up tomorrow to find the whole thing splashed right across the front pages. You ought to have your head examined!’
    â€˜Don’t worry,’ said Dany soothingly. ‘I’ve never met her before, so of course she can’t recognize me. And I’m very sorry about Larry Dowling. I didn’t think ____ ’
    â€˜You never do!’ interrupted Lash bitterly. ‘ “Larry” indeed!’ Her use of Mr Dowling’s Christian name appeared to infuriate him further. ‘Has it ever occurred to you to take a look at the passport you are travelling on? No? Well let me tell you that Ada comes from Milwaukee — and they don’t talk with a British Broadcasting accent there!’
    â€˜Oh dear,’ said Dany guiltily, ‘that reminds me. Did I ever meet this Mr Ponting? Tyson’s secretary? — I mean, did Ada Kitchell ever meet him? Because Mrs Bingham asked me about him, and I didn’t know if I should know anything or not.’
    Lash raised a couple of clenched fists to heaven while his lips moved soundlessly, and then, lowering them, said in a strictly controlled voice: ‘No, by the mercy of Providence you did not meet him. Otherwise we’d have been in a worse jam than we’re in right now. What did you tell her?’
    â€˜Nothing. Luckily she didn’t wait for an answer.’
    â€˜Lucky is right! And I hope that’s taught you a lesson. Can’t you see that your only chance is to lie low and keep out of sight, and not talk to anybody — anybody! — until you get to Zanzibar? Once you get there it’s your step-father’s headache. And if he has any sense, he’ll give you six with a slipper where it hurts most!’
    Lash went across to the table by the window and helped himself to a drink from a tray that had not been there when she left. But she was relieved to see that the bottle appeared to be far more than three parts full, and that the amount he took was unquestionably modest.
    â€˜This,’ said Lash, intercepting her look and interpreting it correctly, ‘is merely to take the taste of that godammed tea out of my mouth. Much as I should like to duck the whole situation by getting roaring drunk, I shall lay off it until I’ve got rid of you. Going on a bender is a luxury I can’t afford while there are people like you around loose.’
    Dany remarked pleasantly that it was kind of him to worry so much about her welfare.
    â€˜I’m not,’ said Lash shortly. ‘You can disabuse yourself of that idea right away. It’s myself I’m worrying about. Which is why, Miss Kitchell, you will stay right here in this room and keep your mouth shut until we leave for the airport tomorrow morning. And you will continue to keep your charming trap shut until we are safely inside your unfortunate step-father’s front door. After that, I shall, myself, take the first plane out again, with Ada’s passport in my pants’ pocket, and leave you to it.’
    He finished his drink and moved to the door: ‘You’ll find

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