Deals With Demons

Deals With Demons by Victoria Davies Page B

Book: Deals With Demons by Victoria Davies Read Free Book Online
Authors: Victoria Davies
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Fantasy, Paranormal
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finally see her as a woman instead of a child. But Devlin was never short on bed partners and when his choice of companions tended to be tall, perfect models it was hard to compete.
    But everything had changed a year later, on her nineteenth birthday.
    Talia squeezed her eyes shut.
    That night Talia had lost her virginity and her home. Again.
    “Don’t come looking for me, Dev,” she’d whispered to her dark room. “Let me disappear.”

Chapter Two
    The night air felt cool against her heated skin. Beyond the balcony rail the city glittered in the darkness. Talia fidgeted with the hem of her light pink strapless gown that had been carefully chosen to show off her creamy skin and long legs. Here’s hoping it helped her win her birthday wish.
    “I found another bottle,” Devlin said, stepping onto the balcony.
    Talia twisted in her chair to see him. No matter how much time she spent by his side, she would never get used to his stunning looks.
    Towering over six feet, he was not a man any fool messed with. His long blond hair was pulled back from his strikingly beautiful face. Piercing green eyes studied the wine in his hand as he absently walked over to her. Tonight he’d forgone his usual black suits in favour of simple slacks and a tight black silk T-shirt. Watching the way the material molded to his chest, Talia unconsciously licked her lips. Even dressed casually, Devlin was a man who took her breath away. How had she managed to live with him for five years without jumping him?
    Well, no more , she decided, eying him hungrily. Tonight was her nineteenth birthday and all she wanted was him.
    Devlin dropped into the chair beside her and set the wine bottle next to the half-eaten birthday cake on the small table.
    “How does it feel to be nineteen?” he asked with a smile.
    “Much the way it felt to be eighteen,” she replied nervously, wondering how to phrase her request.
    Devlin, it’s my birthday. Do me. She sighed. Not quite the sophisticated offer she wanted. Besides, she was crazy to even imagine he’d want to be with her. She saw the women he dated. Hell, his harem lived in the mansion most of the time. There was no way for an awkward nineteen-year-old to compete with the elegant models he preferred.
    “You’re thinking too hard,” Devlin told her, opening the wine and pouring them each a glass. “I can see the little wrinkle you get on your forehead.”
    Talia touched her face self-consciously. “You can’t,” she denied.
    “What were you thinking of?”
    “Birthdays,” she said with a sigh.
    “Yes, because you are getting so very old,” he teased.

    She supposed for a man who’d lived centuries, a nineteenth birthday was nothing at all. But she was mortal. The best she had to hope for was another five or six decades with him. Every year mattered.
    “I haven’t gotten you a birthday present yet, have I?” Devlin mused. “What do you wish for your birthday, Tali?”
    “You,” she blurted without thinking. Talia winced. It hadn’t been the smooth, seductive invitation she’d imagined. When she peeked at Devlin she saw he was frozen with an unreadable look on his face.
    Dammit , she thought, a blush heating her cheeks. How did she undo this blunder?
    “What do you wish for your birthday?” he asked again, slowly.
    Talia sucked in a sharp breath. Was he serious? She’d spent enough time around demons to understand the basic tenants of magic. To bind a wish you had to answer it three times. He was taking her seriously.
    “You,” she whispered, unable to look away from his eerie green eyes.
    Moving faster than Talia could see, he appeared before her, crouching on his knees. “Careful,” he warned her. “Only one more chance. Have a care with your answer, Talia, for if you bind this wish I won’t let you go. What do you wish for your—”
    “You,” she cut in.
    Devlin swept her into his arms before she’d even finished the word. One hand tangled in her long black hair,

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