Deadly Valentine

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Book: Deadly Valentine by Jenna Harte Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jenna Harte
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completely away, moving her chair back to its starting position. “I’m sorry. I can’t do this.” She grabbed a napkin to clean up the spilled ice cream.
    “Leave it.” His voice was dark, rough.
    “I can’t leave a mess like this-”
    “I said leave it!” He let out a frustrated sigh. “How can you do that?”
    “I feel like I just had a life altering experience and you’re acting like it was nothing.”
    “It was just a kiss, Jack.”
    She saw hurt and irritation in his eyes. “That was more than just a kiss.”
    “We haven't seen each other in a long time. It's only been a few days. It can't possibly be more.”
    He stared at her as if she had grown a horn on her head. Then he rolled his shoulders and stood. “I need to go. Cora is expecting me home soon. I can walk you to your car.”
    “It's parked on Jefferson. I can get there on my own," she said surprised at the dismissing tone in his voice.
    He gave a quick shake of his head she took to mean, Have it your way. Without another word, he left.
    Tess cleaned up the ice cream mess made by Jack’s devastating kiss. It had so immobilized her that she dropped her guard, as well as her ice cream. It would have been so easy to give into to him. To let him use those magnificent lips on her, let his large warm hands caress her. But she couldn't do it. She couldn't put herself in a vulnerable position.
    Still, it was mean to tell him his kiss meant nothing. The truth was it had knocked her socks off. It wasn't easy to lie to him, but it would have been too easy to get lost in him. And then what? He’d sow his oats until another more exciting woman came along. And surely one would. He lived in Northern Virginia, socialized with the elite of D.C. Woman draped themselves all over him, she was sure. They'd be prettier and more dedicated to ensuring his happiness. Tess had her career; a career that was once derailed by a man. She wasn't going to let that happen again.
    Tess shook off the mixed feelings. She'd hurt him, but it had been the right thing in the long run. She’d ended it before it started and now they could focus on business and she could maintain her safe, ordered life.
    Slipping on her coat and picking up her purse, the threw her napkins the trash and exited the ice cream shop. She turned right heading towards Jefferson Street where she'd parked her car. Any other time of year, the streets would be full of people enjoying the ambiance and activities offered in the historic district. But the cold and early darkness of winter kept most people away.
    The street lights reflected off the piles of snow still bordering the streets from a storm the previous week. As she reached the corner, she navigated around the snow bank to cross the street. To save time and get out of the cold faster, she took a diagonal route across the street.
    She was in the middle of the road when she heard the car sliding around the corner as it turned onto Jefferson Street. It righted without slowing down and made its way up the street, straight towards her.
    Adrenaline kicked in as she watched the car barrel down on her. She turned, tried to run, but lost her footing, slipping and nearly falling. Finally she found traction and took off towards the sidewalk. It was just like in her dreams; the feet were running, the heart was pounding, but the body wasn't moving fast enough.
    She heard someone yell, “Look out!” but she wasn't about to look. She didn't have to. She swore she could feel the car moving closer and closer. If it were an animal she'd have felt its breath on her heels.
    The wall of snow drew closer. She willed her feet to move faster. She closed her eyes and prayed for the best as she dove over the snow barrier. She landed hard on her shoulder, her temple hitting the icy pavement. Stars flashed in her eyes disorienting her. But the sound of metal on hard icy snow had her rolling on the sidewalk until she literally hit a brick wall of the

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