Deadly Double

Deadly Double by Adrianne Byrd Page B

Book: Deadly Double by Adrianne Byrd Read Free Book Online
Authors: Adrianne Byrd
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filled Josie’s head. Hope fluttered inside her chest, but another part of her was too afraid to believe him. Trust no one.
    However, the eighteen-year-old Josie, the part that still fantasized about that one magical summer in Paris, railed against her defensive mantra.
    This was William, after all. He hurt her once, and he could do it again.

Chapter 16
    A feathery kiss brushed against Ming’s cheek, and she woke with a soft moan.
    Her husband, Conan, smiled down at her. “Why don’t you come to bed? I want something warm beside me tonight.”
    Ming sat up and stretched out her arms as she let loose a wide yawn. “What time is it?”
    “Three o’clock.” Conan placed his large hands against her shoulders and began an impromptu massage.
    “Ah, you’re looking to have sex.” Ming chuckled and closed the case notes she’d fallen asleep on. “I should’ve known.”
    “Yeah. It’s about that time of year.” Conan leaned down and pressed a kiss against her forehead. “One of these days I’m going to get you to leave your work at the office.”
    “I think better at home.”
    “All right then. Maybe we should start having sex at the police station.”
    Ming laughed as she stood and looped her arms around his neck and gave him a quick peck. “Definitely not one of your better ideas.”
    “Oh, I have some ideas.” He captured her lips in a tantalizing kiss as he slid his hands down her backside and gave her butt a gentle squeeze.
    Ming sighed and wiggled her rump playfully against him before she came up for air. “If you were going to kidnap a person from a mental institution, how would you do it?”
    “What?” Conan frowned at the question thrown in from left field. “What are you talking about?”
    “This case I’m working on.” She turned from him and sat back down at the table to reopen her notes. “Whoever took Michelle Andrews from Keystone had to be either the luckiest bastard in Georgia or the smartest. They were able to get in, take a body, and leave without anyone seeing a thing. What are the chances of that?”
    “Work? I was squeezing your butt and grinding against you, and you were thinking about work?”
    “Sorry, honey,” she said, scanning over her last entry. “But after three days on the Andrews case, I don’t think we’re getting anywhere. It’s as if this woman just disappeared into thin air, and that’s just not possible.”
    Conan huffed out a frustrated sigh. “I’ll go make some coffee.”
    “Oh, thanks, honey.”
    “Don’t mention it.”
    “It has to be someone working on the inside.” She shook her head and turned the pages. “A dead doctor, a missing patient...and a missing medical chart. That alone is odd.”
    “Fascinating,” Conan called from the kitchen. “Do you want fresh ground, or are we celebrating the moments of our lives?”
    “You pick, honey.” Ming drummed her fingers on the table while she willed for something to jump out at her, but nothing happened. The department had already ordered cross-references for Keystone employees with names from the Daniel Thornton murder case and come up with nothing.
    They’d also delved into Andrews’s background and Ming had no doubts that the missing patient had a few enemies of her own. However, everyone they’d interviewed turned into dead ends.
    “You murder a doctor and take a patient,” she whispered to herself. “Why?”
    Conan returned to the table and set a coffee mug beside his wife. “Anything I can help you with?” He pulled out a chair beside her and made himself comfortable. “You know I’ve been able to put together a few jigsaw puzzles in my time.”
    “This is a little more complicated than a puzzle, honey.” She flashed him a smile, but didn’t pull her gaze from her paperwork.
    He popped open a bottle of beer. “Since I’m not having sex tonight and I’ve had more than my fair share of cold showers this month, then I can at least lend my genius to my government to help

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