Dead Wrong: Straight Facts on the Country's Most Controversial Cover-Ups
    However, that would not account for the huge amount of drugs that were found in Marilyn’s body. A full bag was 50cc’s of liquid Nembutal, equal to 37.5 grains, the equivalent of 25 1.5-grain tablets of Nembutal. Marilyn had over double that much Nembutal in her bloodstream (leaving liver content totally out of the equation), almost triple that much (the most accurate medical method comes out to the equivalent of between sixty to seventy Nembutal capsules). And she had no access to Nembutal. Even if we pushed it and factored in the missing twenty-five capsules prescribed to her, it’s still not nearly enough Nembutal (and since there were no refractive crystals in her digestive tract, they could not have been swallowed anyway). Now note the very clear conclusion of medical researcher Tony Plant:
“My calculations actually come up with more than fifty cc’s in her blood and if so then she was murdered on purpose.” 65
    Non-Suicidal Frame of Mind
    An examination of Marilyn’s actions on the last day of her life provides a profile of a person who is clearly not contemplating suicide. The Timeline which follows tells us a great deal about Marilyn’s frame of mind.
    When reconstructing a crime scene, it’s often helpful to “work-the -evidence backwards”; to start at the end and come forward. Doing so in the case of Marilyn’s death, we can begin with the fact that there was an obvious cover-up. There is substantial evidence that—for whatever reason—facts were covered up, stories were changed, and evidence linking Marilyn to an affair with President Kennedy and/or Attorney General Robert Kennedy was “taken care of” to protect the White House. That fact is indisputable.
Reconstruction of Last Day
of Marilyn Monroe’s Life
Saturday, August 4, 1962
Shortly after FBI Director Hoover warned President Kennedy and Attorney General Robert Kennedy about the Administration’s vulnerability to blackmail from the President’s “liaisons” (February, 1962), JFK broke off his relationship with Marilyn. It has been established that, somehow, during that process, Marilyn became romantically involved with Robert Kennedy, and then that relationship got “cut off” at some point (quite possibly on August 4). 66
It is also well-established that Marilyn’s home was “wired;” her phones were tapped, and there were also covert listening devices in it. The Justice Department had her phones tapped and the mob, via Jimmy Hoffa (arch-enemy of Robert Kennedy), had her under electronic surveillance. The mob also had Peter Lawford’s Santa Monica beach home wired, the presumed purpose being to “get dirt” on the Kennedys (who often visited there), just as Hoover had warned. Lawford (who is the brother-in-law of the Kennedy brothers and their protector in Hollywood) actually knew that his phones were bugged and went to pay phones when he needed to talk to the President (and was patched right through by standing orders to the White House operator). FBI surveillance of Marilyn on her vacation to Mexico City revealed that a friend of hers was also a high-ranking Communist, which also worried the FBI. 67
8:00 AM Saturday, August 4, 1962
Housekeeper Eunice Murray arrives at Marilyn’s home at 12305 5 th Helena Drive in Brentwood, a classy suburb close to Hollywood. Mrs. Murray is a regular at Marilyn’s home (she also uses her son-in- law, Norman Jeffries, for small repairs at the property). At this moment, Marilyn is still in her bedroom and house guest Pat Newcomb, who spent the night, is still asleep in the guest room.
9:00 AM
Marilyn comes into the kitchen, Mrs. Murray gives her a glass of grapefruit juice, and the two start to chat. Marilyn explains that her publicist (and friend), Pat Newcomb, has spent the night because she is suffering from bronchitis (Pat had planned on checking into a hospital, but Marilyn convinced her to spend the night at her home instead, hoping that some good

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