Dead Statues

Dead Statues by Tim O'Rourke Page A

Book: Dead Statues by Tim O'Rourke Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tim O'Rourke
Tags: General Fiction
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loved them all enough to want to see them happy – that’s all I wanted.
    So with my mind set, and listening to Iris by Leona Lewis on my iPod, I made what was left of the short journey to my father’s house.
    Knowing that no matter what happened there, I would be presented with some kind of choice, and I was ready to choose.

Chapter Sixteen
    Within seconds, I was soaring amongst the clouds above the cottage Murphy had rented out. Did I feel bad for not explaining to him I was going in search of Kiera? Not really. It was great to have Murphy back, but for too long now, I had come accustomed to making my own decisions.
    Some of them had been shit, there was no denying that now, but I had done the best I could. Those were mistakes I was desperate to put right, especially the ones where Kiera was concerned.
    She’d probably be really pissed at me for going after her, but I could live with that as long as she listened to what I had to say. Kayla was right; I should explain how I truly felt for her. I couldn’t imagine – I didn’t want to imagine – a day where Kiera wasn’t a part of it. I had meant every word I had said about Kiera, when Sophie had asked me at the farm on Black Hill to describe her.
    “...Kiera has this really annoying habit of wanting to do the right thing the whole time,” I remembered explaining to Sophie. “She wants to do the right thing by everyone, even if it means that she loses out somehow. She threw herself into the arms of a serial killer because she couldn’t bear the thought of others suffering. Kiera is the smartest, bravest, and most selfless person I have ever known. But deep inside, she is so gentle and kind, and sometimes I think that I’m not even good enough to hold her hand, let alone share a life with her.”
    To hear my own voice in my head, I wondered now if I hadn’t been right about those last words I had said. To think of Kiera made me smile inside, and I knew Kayla was right. I should have told Kiera those things I thought about her.
    What had been the point explaining to Sophie how much Kiera meant to me? It was Kiera who needed to know how I felt about her. I just hoped that I could reach her in time – before she made it to her father’s house where a trap of some kind undoubtedly waited for her. How much of a head start had she got? An hour, perhaps? She could have reached her father’s house by now. I could be too late already.
    With my wings angled like points on either side of me, I tucked my arms against my sides and headed in the direction I had last seen Kiera going.
    Snow whisked past me as it left the clouds. I dropped slightly in the air to get my bearings through a break in the clouds, and stopped. On the other side of the hill where Murphy’s rented cottage stood, I could see a mass of berserkers.
    They were heading up the side of the hill towards the cottage where my friends sheltered. I hovered, hidden by the cloud, and watched them silently approach the cottage on all sides. They were circling the cottage to cut off any chance of my friends escaping.
    I looked into the distance, wanting to go after Kiera, knowing that time was running out if I were to intercept her before she reached her father’s house, and the trap I now believed had been set for her there. Below I could see the berserkers approaching the cottage, my friends unaware they were going to be attacked. I looked again in the direction Kiera had been heading, then back down at the cottage.
    Which do I choose? I roared inside.
    Go after Kiera and my friends would surely die. Stay and help my friends and Kiera would walk into a trap just like Isidor did. I looked back again, through the snow, hoping that I might see Kiera in the distance, on the brow of some hill.
    The snow perhaps slowed her progress, reluctant to use her wings for fear of being seen, therefore still visible somewhere in the distance. There was no sign of her. I looked down again as the berserkers crept

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