Dead Push (Kiera Hudson Series Two#7)

Dead Push (Kiera Hudson Series Two#7) by Tim O'Rourke Page B

Book: Dead Push (Kiera Hudson Series Two#7) by Tim O'Rourke Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tim O'Rourke
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and that was to follow the boy to discover exactly what the fuck was going on. So just like I had in the tunnel down in The Hollows, I followed Isidor at a distance as he made his way through the woods.
    Isid or reached the treeline and I hung back. I watched him step out onto a sandy shore, which circled a lake. In a strange way it reminded me of the Dead Waters, hidden deep within the secret forest. I guessed this was Lake Lure Potter had mentioned. So far, so good, I figured. From my hiding place near the edge of the woods, I watched Isidor sit in the sand as the cold, black-looking water lapped at his feet. He shivered with the cold, wrapping his arms about his shoulders. It was then I noticed that the boy didn’t have the tattoos I had seen on him before. They must have come later. He didn’t look like the kind of kid that would go and have angry-looking black flames engraved all over his chest and up his arms and neck. He definitely didn’t look like the sort of kid who would have eyebrow piercings. Isidor looked like the sort who wouldn’t say shit even if his mouth was full of it. Something must have happened to change him, I figured. I don’t know how long I hid in those woods, but the winter sun started to drop on the horizon as if it were sinking beneath the lake and down into The Hollows. Then, from behind me, I heard a rustle and the sound of snapping twigs underfoot. I spun around, wondering who it might be. There was a young girl making her way through the woods towards the lake. I slunk back behind the trees and watched her. She had dull, light coloured hair, which she had dragged back into a bun. The girl wore what looked like a grey coloured bonnet on her head and this was fastened beneath her chin with a black cord of some kind. She looked sickly pale and she wore a long, plain dress, which matched the colour of her bonnet. Over the dress hung what appeared to be an apron, and on her feet she wore the most uncomfortable-looking shoes I had ever seen. She clomped forward in them through the trees and I watched her go. So this was Melody Rose? Fuck me, what did Isidor see in her? The kid was fucking dumb. He killed himself for that? I wondered in disbelief. And everyone said I was fucked in the head. I’d kill the girl – but jeez – to get my kicks, she had to be at least semi-attractive.
    The girl reached the shore, and I saw Isidor look around at her. At first his young face beamed with delight at seeing her. Shit, he really did have the horn for her in a bad way. He needed to come on a night out with me. I could introduce Isidor to women who would do things to him that would make his hair and toes curl. But then his face seemed to change as it took on a more sullen look. At last he’s finally realised what a hag she is, I thought with a smile.
    Melody said something, which I didn’t quite catch. Pricking up my ears, I dared to inch closer through the trees to the shore.   
    “I waited all morning! I was freezing, Melody!” I heard Isidor bitch.
    Being cold was the least of his worries, I thought.
    “I’m really sorry,” Melody said, touching his arm.
    “So you gonna tell me what you’ve been up to?” I heard Isidor ask.
    Possessive too, I grinned. He really did have the hots for her. I would’ve killed the bitch if she had stood me up. Where was this kid’s fucking backbone?
    “Aw, c’mon, I’ve said I’m sorry, haven’t I?” Melody smiled at him.
    Don’t smile sweetheart, I grimaced. It really doesn’t do you any favours. It makes your face look like a plate with a crack in it.
    “It’s not the fact that I was left waiting in the cold. I ran into Ray and his friends and they stole my coat,” Isidor groaned.
    So that’s why the kid wasn’t wearing a coat, I realised. But that didn’t explain why he wasn’t wearing it now. He must have let whoever this Ray dude was get away. What was wrong with this kid? You don’t let anyone steal from you. If anyone tries, you rip

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