Dead Man's Song

Dead Man's Song by Jonathan Maberry Page A

Book: Dead Man's Song by Jonathan Maberry Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jonathan Maberry
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mean, what other papers are there?”
    “I’m serious—no one. The cops have been keeping this hush-hush. What I mean is…some other reporters know about the cop killings, but no one else knows about the Cape May Killer angle. I’ve been following the story all day,” Newton said urgently.
    Hangood was still trying to find sense in this. “But the chief already issued a statement about the shooting at the Guthrie place. No one said anything about it being related to Cape May.”
    “Yeah, I know. That’s why this is what we in the news business call a scoop.”
    “Don’t get smart with me, Newt.”
    “Wake up, Dick…this is the real thing. We have to go to press right now. We have to get this out in a couple of hours. We’ll never have another chance—”
    “Shut up and let me think.”
    “There’s more…”
    “Early this morning two police officers were murdered out at the Guthrie farm. I saw the bodies, Dick. I have pics. Long range, sure, but pics. And I, um…overheard some conversations between the two lead cops. I know the whole story, Dick, and how it ties back in with the Cape May thing. I have it all.”
    Hangood felt like the floor was tilting under him. His mouth moved like a Kissing Gourami for several seconds before he managed to say, “Newt—if this is on the level, if this is what you say it is—then this story is going to be picked up on every news service in the world. You could get a Pulitzer for this.”
    Newton said nothing. He was hyperventilating.

    “I gotta take a leak,” Polk said to Toombes and ambled off down the hall. She barely shrugged. He went down past the men’s room, looked over his shoulder to make sure Toombes was out of his line of sight, and then cut into the fire tower. He closed the door and pulled his cell phone out of his pocket, punched in a number, and waited. Vic Wingate answered on the third ring.
    “Vic, it’s Jim.”
    “You get yourself switched like I told you to?”
    “Yeah, they got me guarding Crow all day.”
    “He talk to anyone?”
    “Just the doctor. Saul Weinstock.”
    “What did they talk about?”
    “I wasn’t in the room then, but it couldn’t have been much of anything.”
    “So you don’t know when they’re going to do the autopsy?”
    “Actually, Vic, I do. It’s scheduled for this afternoon.”
    There was silence at Vic’s end. “That soon, huh? Shit.”
    “It’s an ongoing criminal investigation. Has to be done fast. That a problem?”
    “Of course it’s a problem, numb-nuts. We can’t let Ruger get sliced up.”
    “Why not, Vic? He’s dead, I don’t see how he’s important to the Man at this point. He’s out of the game, far as I can see.”
    Vic laughed. “Yeah, well, you’ve never been too swift at the best of times, Jimmie, my boy. Trust me when I tell you that Ruger is not out of the game.”
    “But, I don’t get it—”
    “No. You don’t get it, and you’d better wake up every day from now on and pray thanks that you continue to not get it. Now shut up for a second and let me think. We have to find a way to get that Jew doctor to postpone the autopsy for at least a full day. You understand me, Jimmie? A full day.”
    “Because I damn well said so. And because the Man wants it that way—or is that not enough of a reason for you?”
    “No, sure, it’s cool. I was just asking—”
    “Well, don’t. Look, they’re bringing in some new stiffs for the doctors to play with. If this goes the way I want it to, then they’ll autopsy them first.”
    “Because it’ll be part of an active investigation. Ruger’s old news, as far as they’re concerned. When these other bodies come in they’ll be shifting gears—but it might take the better part of the day before that happens, so I need you to stall the Jew.”
    Polk licked his lips. “Yeah, okay, Vic. I’ll think of something.”
    “Don’t get caught, either. You may be be a dickhead, but for the moment

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