Dead Calm
one of the service corridors the crew used. Not quite knowing what
to expect, he was completely unprepared and shocked at what he
    Two cabin attendants gripped the wrists of a
middle-aged woman. She struggled and fought them with a rage that
Ricky had never seen in a female before. Thinking he had walked in
on a rape, he was preparing to back up and watch the festivities
when the woman broke the grip of one of her attackers. Before the
man could restrain her, she lunged at his partner and sank her
teeth into his forearm. Blood flew as the woman whipped her head
back and forth and the attendant screamed for help.
    While he was expecting to sit back and watch a sexual
assault, Richard was shocked at this turn of events. He was even
more surprised when he jumped forward and grabbed the crazy lady
around the waist. Not sure whether he was helping her or the man
she had bit, he dragged the woman backwards. The attendant screamed
again and this was when Ricky saw that the female fury wouldn't
unclench her teeth from where they were clamped into the man's arm.
He watched in fascination as the skin on the man's limb stretched
further and further until it reached the breaking point. With a wet
plop it let go, and Ricky saw more blood well up in the mouth-sized
gap where a huge chunk of meat had been removed from the man's
    Rage and blinding pain overcame the attendant, making
him forget the Captain’s orders about not harming the passengers,
as he swung a roundhouse punch at the woman’s head. It connected
with her left temple and Ricky felt her go limp in his arms.
    Letting the dead weight drop to the deck, Richard
quickly retrieved his camera and started taking pictures of the
scene as he backed away. Both crewmembers seemed unconcerned with
this, which Richard found curious. He stopped and watched as they
wrapped the wounded man’s arm in a shirt to staunch the flow of
blood. When they were finished, the injured man said something in a
thick brogue about seeing the ship's doctor and walked away. The
remaining crewman then grabbed the inert woman by the legs and
started dragging her across the carpet. Looking up from his burden
and seeing Richard watching him, he said with a British accent,
“Thanks for your help before, Gov, but I could use a bit more if
you might.”
    Seeing that the woman had not regained consciousness,
and believing that the Brit was now tampering with a crime scene,
Richard decided that since he had gotten involved in an attempted
rape and assault, it was time to put some distance between himself
and any liability.
    Putting on an act of being an innocent bystander, and
in a loud, righteous tone, he said, “Just wait a minute, you can't
move her. What do you think you're doing?” Looking closely at the
lifeless body, he added in an incredulous voice, loud enough for
any potential witnesses to hear, “What did you do? Oh my God, I
think you killed her!”
    Adjusting his grip on the woman's leg, the attendant
seemed unconcerned as he replied, “Might have done just that, Gov,
but she's still got to go with the others.”
    Richard was going to continue his charade by yelling
for help, but the man's statement stopped the words in his mouth.
Instead, he asked in a curious tone, “Others?”
    “Lots of them, don't you know, Gov?” The man
answered. Looking down at the body and then back up at Richard, he
said, “It's an outbreak of some kind. At first the Captain thought
it was drugs but....” The man's voice trailed off.
    Richard quickly put together the reports on the news
and in the papers he had seen before coming on this cruise, with
what he'd just witnessed, and came up with the HWNW virus. Wanting
to know more about what was going on, he reached down and grabbed
the woman's arms and let the cabin attendant lead him through a
maze of crew passageways to the Sounds Lounge.
    Built on two levels, it really wasn't a lounge but a
two-story theater complete with stage, orchestra pit and

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