Day of Wrath

Day of Wrath by Iris Collier Page B

Book: Day of Wrath by Iris Collier Read Free Book Online
Authors: Iris Collier
was very close to Matthew. They shared things.’
    â€˜You still think Mortimer’s got something to do with Matthew’s death.’
    â€˜I’m sure of it. And I think Giles was paid to let the murderers in to your house.’
    â€˜These are wild accusations, Jane. There simply isn’t any proof. We can’t ask Landstock to arrest Mortimer without proper evidence except the suspicions of his wife’s maid and her friend. Let’s get on with finding Giles and hope he’ll tell us more.’
    â€˜And meanwhile Bess is going to be the next victim.’
    Nicholas was conscious that Guy Warrener was watching him closely. Damn the man, was he going to be his daughter’s gaoler? Suddenly, he saw one of his servants running across the grass towards them.
    â€˜What is it, William? What’s happened?’ he said, going to meet him.
    â€˜A messenger’s arrived up at the house. From the King, my Lord. You’re wanted at Hampton Court immediately.’
    â€˜Tell him to wait and I’ll be back as soon as I can.’
    â€˜He says you’re to come at once. That’s what he said, my Lord. I told him you were at a funeral but he said it was urgent.’
    â€˜Then tell Geoffrey to pack my bag, and get Harry ready.’
    â€˜The King keeps you at his beck and call,’ said Jane, who’d followed him.
    â€˜Yes, damn him. I can’t think what’s so urgent that he wants me to leave immediately.’
    â€˜Then tell him to wait; at least until Giles is found.’
    â€˜Tell him to wait, Jane? Are you out of your mind? I want to keep this head on my shoulders, you know.’
    â€˜But you can’t go now. What with Bess ill and Giles still at large.’
    â€˜I can do nothing about Bess, Jane. I’m not a doctor. And Landstock will see to Giles. I can’t keep the King waiting.’
    â€˜Then you don’t care what happens to us…’
    â€˜Nothing’s going to happen to you. Landstock will look after things, and you must keep your ears and eyes open whilst I’m away and report to me when I return. I’ll be back as soon as I can.’
    â€˜It’ll be too late. I know something terrible’s going to happen,’ said Jane bitterly.
    â€˜Leaving us so soon, my Lord?’ said Warrener, coming up to join them. ‘I’m glad someone’s doing something about this lot of parasites. Now get the legislation through Parliament. I can’t wait to see them go. But let’s drink up their beer and finish up the cakes before you leave. Make hay whilst the sun shines, I say.’
    â€˜I hope to God, man, that the monks will be here long after you and I are dead.’
    â€˜Times are changing, my Lord. New ideas, new men at Court. I’m all for it. It’s about time there was an end to all this superstitious nonsense. No more prayers for the dead, no more services in Latin – what’s wrong with English, I say? I’m all for this man Martin Luther. He might be German but he’s got the right ideas. Down with the Pope. Let’s have an English Church with an English King at its head.’
    He stopped as a fit of coughing racked his body. Jane came up and took him by the arm. ‘Come home, father. Lord Nicholas has better things to do than to listen to your ranting. The King calls, and he must fly to his side.’
    â€˜Jane, that’s unfair. You know that I’ve got to go.’
    She led her father away without another look at Nicholas.
    â€˜Damn! Women! Why are they always so unreasonable?’ he said out loud.
    â€˜Because it’s their nature, my Lord,’ answered Landstock. ‘They’re not like us men. I’ll say they’re unreasonable; you’ve hit the nail on the head there. And stubborn. And Mistress Warrener’s the stubbornest of them all.’

Chapter Seven
    â€˜It’s good to see you, Peverell. You shouldn’t keep

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