Dawns Everlastin' (former title: Dusk Before Dawn) Book 2

Dawns Everlastin' (former title: Dusk Before Dawn) Book 2 by Mickee Madden Page A

Book: Dawns Everlastin' (former title: Dusk Before Dawn) Book 2 by Mickee Madden Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mickee Madden
Tags: supernatural romance paranormal ghosts scotland
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descended to her right nipple, where his mouth
encompassed the taut bud.
    "Oh God," she moaned, her
fingers burying themselves into the hair at her temples.
    Roan's hands moved to her
back, supporting her as he suckled the nub of her firm breast.
Every muscle in his body ached for her. The fire in his groin
painfully hardened him, but he was determined not to end, too soon,
the maddening ecstasy of his anticipation.
    His mouth sought and
enclosed her left nipple, his tongue repeatedly circling it,
eliciting a groan from her that rocked him with a shudder of
appetency. Unable to withstand the conflagration of his needs, he
gripped her upper arms, drew her head up, and stared into her eyes
with a look that betrayed his impatience to possess her.
    Breathless, Laura managed a
weak, "Yes."
    "Lang syne," he chanted breathlessly, their gazes remaining
    His hands cupped her
buttocks and eased her onto her knees then, reaching between her
thighs, he positioned himself. His other hand gripped her hip, and
he deeply kissed her while coaxing her to lower herself onto his
taut member.
    Her arms went around his
neck. Her body trembled as the moist cavity of her loins met with
the implement. A look of uncertainty flashed in her eyes, spearing
him with alarm until she reached between her thighs, wrapped her
fingers beneath the soft, smooth head, and began to lower herself
onto it.
    Roan clenched his teeth, his
eyes riveted on her expressions of agony and pleasure when she
slowly filled herself with all he had to give. He was dimly aware
of losing himself, feeling oddly displaced. Undeniably, he loved
this woman. He cherished her very existence, although he vaguely
questioned the possibility of feeling so strongly for someone he'd
known for so short a time.
    Ripples upon ripples of
pleasure vied to sway him from dwelling on anything but the lovely
woman making love with him. Mindlessness was to be expected.
Absolute, instinctual need to quell his drive for a climax, normal.
But looking at her, perspiration glistening on her expression of
bliss, he had to wonder what had doused the friction between them.
Her body moved up and down in perfect, tormenting rhythm, stroking
him within the wondrous cavity of her perfect body. His muscles
grew tauter by the second in response to her. The haze of passion
thickened over his brain.
    Groaning with a violent
shudder, he planted his hands at her waistline to slow her
    "Laura," he growled
    Despite his grip, she
increased her movements, grinding his shaft deep within
    Roan was forced to utilize
the extent of his willpower to keep from exploding inside her.
Veins rose and mapped his broad neck with the strain to hold back.
A pulse throbbed at his temples. He clenched and bared his teeth.
The skin across his face grew tauter by the second. She watched him
through glazed, bright eyes, studied his face in a manner that
betrayed her delight in his readiness.
    A cold sliver lanced his
brain, startling him. From deep within his subconscious, a voice
hissed that she was controlling him again. The idea sickened him,
until she released a guttural groan, and the muscles surrounding
his shaft, began to pulsate. Instantaneously, he climaxed, caught
up in the most powerful throes he'd ever experienced. At that
moment Laura was his world, his universe, the bestower of the most
exquisite pleasure life offered.
    At the height of their
soaring, he kissed her almost fiercely, clutching her against him
within the band of his muscular arms. When the last shudder began
to wane in their bodies, he wondered if he would ever feel so alive
    Nuzzling a cheek to the side
of his broad neck, Laura whispered, "Lachlan, I love
    Liquid ice passed beneath
his skin. Rage swelled within his skull. Immobile with shock, he
questioned the validity of what he'd heard. Denials stormed the
barriers of his reasoning. Laura Bennett had been under the
illusion that she'd been making love with

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