Darkest Wolf

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Book: Darkest Wolf by Rebecca Royce Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rebecca Royce
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not to receive any money for her stay in the establishment. She grinned at the thought as the cell phone the man had left on the counter caught her attention.
    She scratched her head. One way or another she had to reach the twins’ mother to make a deal about trading Rex’s information for her family’s release and the return of her natural looks. Not to mention her powers. She really needed them back.
    Maybe she could “borrow” the phone in the way Rex “borrowed” things.
    Goddess, I’ve been with Rex just one day and I’m already considering thievery as a viable option .
    Looking left and right, she didn’t let her internal musings sway her. She needed the phone and, unlike Rex, she would return it when she was done with it. Maybe .
    She grinned at her naughty thought before she picked up the phone and rushed from the room. In the distance, she could see the dark car exactly as she’d left it. Rex, still presumably out cold, tucked inside of it, oblivious to what she was about to do.
    Moving from the lobby door, she walked to the side of the building. She could keep her eye on Rex in the car without being entirely out of the light from the motel. For some reason she didn’t wish to explore, she knew she couldn’t make this phone call standing any closer to Rex than she already was.
    She dialed the number. Liz hadn’t called it years—she’d been forbidden to—but she still knew it by heart. Would always know it. The phone rang once before a tired voice answered.
    “Hello?” Her mother sounded exactly the same way she’d sounded when Elizabeth had awoken her for one reason or another when she’d been a child. Disoriented but strong.
    “Mom.” She said the name like a sigh, ignoring the tears threatening to spill from her eyes.
    “Elizabeth.” Her mother’s voice shook. “How can you be doing this? Won’t they catch you calling me? They’ll hurt you.”
    “I’m more concerned about them hurting you.” Elizabeth leaned against the building, wondering how the sound of her mother’s voice could make her feel like her knees might give out.
    “I’ve told you not to. We’re handling things here. They’re tough but we’re surviving.
    You’re out there with those twins. I can’t stand it.”
    The wobble in her mother’s voice clenched the decision for Elizabeth. She couldn’t allow this to continue for them. Not one more minute. “Mom, I need you to get a message to Drea. I’m not with Charra and Penny anymore. I’m coming back, but I’m bringing some information with me Drea will want. Tell her I’ve recently come into possession of some of the secrets from the Westervelt Wolf pack.” She heard her mother gasp but kept talking before the woman who had always loved her could argue. “I’m travelling with a wolf. He thinks I’m his mate. He tells me anything I want to know. If Drea releases all of us from the curse and lets us leave, I’ll tell her anything she desires.”
    “If the wolf thinks you are his mate, Elizabeth, then…” Movement caught her eye from across the parking lot. The door to the car opened, which could only mean Rex had awakened. “I’ve got to go, Mom. I suspect I’ll be back in Florida tomorrow. When I get into town, I’ll call.” She switched off the phone, moving to intercept Rex before he got any closer. “Are you okay?” she called out over the parking lot.
    “I was until I woke up and saw you had left the car. Then I was … terrified for you.” She shrugged. “I appreciate the concern but I was just getting us a room.” Rex stretched, exposing his abs from underneath the makeshift blanket he must have found in the car. Her mouth went dry as she stared at the perfectly formed muscles poking out at her.
    “Did they give you any trouble?”
    “What?” Her mouth hung open. She knew she must look like a landed fish. All she wanted to do was to reach out and stroke him on the chest, to feel what his skin felt like there. Was it warm and hot or

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