Dark Wood: Legends of the Guardians

Dark Wood: Legends of the Guardians by Unknown Page A

Book: Dark Wood: Legends of the Guardians by Unknown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Unknown
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she could even find time for a breath between
words. It was a rare glimpse of her youth.
course!” They held hands and turned for the door just before Elizabeth’s common
sense reclaimed her. “Oh but I cannot. Not yet. I am helping Mayla with a young
man, Ballos is his name. He was hurt while hunting. I came up to help Korena
with the supplies.”
looked back to the girl who was climbing a cupboard to get the bowl she
desired. “Korena!” Elizabeth lectured as she hurried to the girl’s aid. “You
can ask you know.”
not like I haven’t done it a thousand times before.” Elizabeth pulled her down
as Aryaunna reached up for the wooden bowl. Its surface was smooth and
polished. The wood grains blended like dark cherry and white oak swirled
together. Korena took the bowl without a word and hurried for the open doorway
to the stairs.
is Allos?” Aryaunna inquired as they followed after her.
the sudden voice startled Aryaunna but Elizabeth only laughed. Allos had been
waiting in the open door. Aryaunna had been so excited to see Elizabeth she hadn’t
even noticed him standing there.
has hardly left my side for more than a moment,” Elizabeth explained. Aryaunna
hadn’t missed the subtle flush of her cheeks.
Thank you, Allos. Truly. Knowing Elizabeth was safe here with you kept me
strong… In more ways than you could know.” The memory of hearing Elizabeth’s
voice, calling out in pain and fear was not easily forgotten. Being able to
believe Allos’ word that he’d protect her helped her keep going. Aryaunna came
to stand before Allos and spoke low, “I will not forget this favor.”
said nothing, only nodding deeply in response. “Excuse me,” Korena said almost
shyly. “Mayla needs us now.” The two were blocking her path, and she was
heavily burdened with a basket full of supplies.
took hold of the basket’s braided handle and relieved the girl of her load as
she stepped aside for her to move ahead. “Lead the way, Korena.”
Aryaunna followed Korena down the stairs, she heard her sister’s words. “You
should go eat something, and rest. I won’t be your burden now that my sister
has returned.”
no burden, Elizabeth,” he sounded surprised she would say such a thing.
Elizabeth’s lips pressed together into a tight line. She didn’t know what to
say. He paused a moment to consider something. “Korena will be busy attending
to Ballos, and Mayla will need to speak with your sister. I wonder if perhaps
you might assist me for a short time? I do have some things to attend to in the
village elsewhere.”
course. However I can help.” Feeling she sounded too eager she thought to say
more. “And it would be good to meet more of the people here.”


clanged loudly, scraping in ear cringing screeches. Aryaunna grit her teeth as
she braced against him. He was so much stronger than her. How could she ever
defeat him? The blade of his sword was an inch from her face, held so tight
against her own sword. A second blade was flat against her stomach, X crossed
against her second. His hot breath washed over her face as he loomed above her.
“You look weak,” he mocked. “Getting tired so soon? Whatever will you do when
your arm slips and my blade touches your thin flesh?”
got what he wanted. His mockery angered her and she reacted from it. Her knee
shot up hard against his inner thigh which caused him to flinch back. As he
stumbled she threw her weight forward, pitching him back. They were in the same
position but now she had the advantage as she propelled herself, and thus him,
forward until his back hit a wall.
height and weight was well past her own and it gave him the advantage. Her knee
would bruise him and it may even have hurt but now he showed no sign of that.
With his back braced against the wall, Allos shoved her backward. Their swords
sounded in a shing as metal slid

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