Dark Tidings: Ancient Magic Meets the Internet Book 1
the last few months; harassment which became ever more offensive as time went on. What started as unpleasant teasing evolved into overt bullying. It had only been verbal up to now, but on this particular day it turned physical.
    Clarke had started pawing at Suzie’s clothes. He was pulling at them with his finger and thumb, turning up his nose as if was holding something dirty between his fingers.
    “Tramp, tramp, tramp,” he shouted in her face.
    The watching children joined in the chant.
    “Tramp, tramp, tramp.”
    Spurred on by the support, Clarke pulled hard at her cardigan and it ripped as he tugged it off her. She tried to hold on, but the harder she resisted, the more he pulled and the more it ripped. Eventually she let go and he held the tattered garment above his head like a trophy. Suzie completely lost it and without thinking slapped his face, hard. He reacted immediately, knocking her to the ground with two full force punches to the side of her head and then like every good bully would do, he kicked her twice while she was down. The crowd of onlookers were silenced as they watched Clarke stand over her, posing like a victorious boxer. The suddenness and viciousness of the violence was shocking; things had gone way too far this time. However no one did anything, they were all too afraid of Clarke. No one wanted to speak up in case they became the next victim.
    Faith arrived just in time to witness the kicks. She pushed her way through the crowd and raced towards Clarke. She was approaching him from behind so he didn’t see her although he may have sensed the mood change in the crowd of spectators. She had no idea what she was going to do, until she got to him.
    She pulled hard at his trousers and they, along with his underpants, came down past his knees. He stood stunned, still in the boxer pose with his fists above his head. It was now a ridiculous stance; a boxer with no boxers. The crowd erupted with laughter. The girls pointed and the boys jeered. Clarke’s face turned a strange puce colour; the colour of deep embarrassment tinged with rage. He pulled up his trousers and without even reacting to Faith, pushed his way through the crowd to begin the futile search for his dignity. As he left, the sound of the crowd cheering and laughing taunted him. Any respect he’d gained through his bullying was gone and gone forever.
    As he walked away he vowed he’d get those two girls. He’d have his revenge, in his own good time and in private.
    Faith helped her friend up. Other children came over to see if they could make her feel better. Wow, it seemed everyone hated the bully as much as they did but people had been too scared to say. A new dynamic emerged. Faith and Suzie became popular with their classmates and no longer figures of fun. They both made lots of other friends, although none of them ever rivalled their own special relationship.
    Brian Clarke was expelled shortly afterwards for stealing homework books from Faith. She’d reported him and that just fuelled his growing resentment. Because of his appalling record, no school would take him so he ended up being home tutored which left him with too much time on his hands. He hung about outside the school every so often, looking for an opportunity to hurt Faith, but she was always with friends; she seemed to have so many friends now. Maybe school wasn’t the right place, but he knew his time would come. He could wait.
    Even though things had worked out well for the girls, they realised how much they hated being different. They realised how much they hated being the underdogs. They realised how much they hated being poor. They vowed to do everything and anything to change things. They wanted money. They were determined to become rich.
    That was a long time ago, but it had paved the way for them to be best friends for more than eight years now. Faith’s recent travels meant they hadn’t seen much of each other for a while. Even though they’d kept in

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