Dark Runner: LodeStar 3.5

Dark Runner: LodeStar 3.5 by Cathryn Cade Page A

Book: Dark Runner: LodeStar 3.5 by Cathryn Cade Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cathryn Cade
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struggled to rise. “Tried … to rape me.”
    Darry gave a snarl of pure rage, shouldering past Tal to grab Trix and push her behind him. “Out of the way, baby. He’s mine now.”
    The Gorglon emerged from the stall, and Darry fired. The red laser fire streaked across the small space and struck the huge being in the groin. He let out a bellow of agony, and grabbed at his burning pants.
    The female in the other stall screamed, and then burst into noisy tears.  
    “There,” Darry snarled to the gargling Gorglon. “You wanted to stick your cock somewhere hot? It’s smokin’ now.” He followed up with a kick. The Gorglon screamed.
    Adrenaline and fury still racing through her veins, Scala kicked the closed stall door. “Shut up in there, you little coward. A lot of help you were.”  
    The crying stopped. “Leave me alone,” a tearful voice quavered. “I’m linking the police right now.”
    The main lav door opened behind Tal.
    “Leaping lizards,” said an all-too familiar voice. “What’s going on in here?”
    “Oh, snake shit,” Scala muttered. She knew the blonde Serpentian clad in golden yellow peering over Tal’s shoulder. The woman’s eyes met hers and widened.
    “You!” Yvene hissed. “What are you doing on planet?”
    Tal turned on her, laser still in his hand. “We were just leaving. If you’ll get the hells out of our way.”
    The veteran Serpentian guard took one look at him, and backed out of the lav, hands up before her in pacification. “I’m going. No problem.”
    “Come on,” Tal pulled Scala along with him through the door. “We’ve got about a minute before there are cops all over this place.”
    Out in the hallway, Yvene stood beside a Serpentian male with bright green hair. Izard’s eyes narrowed when he saw Scala.
    “You. Might have known it would be you in the middle of a brawl.”
    She managed an answering sneer before Tal pulled her past the couple.
    “Shut up,” Trix cried hoarsely behind Scala. “She just saved me from rape—and worse. So you don’t trash talk her, I don’t care who you are.”
    “Fucking uniforms,” Darry added. “You want to actually deserve those fancy suits? Do something about the big pile of trash in the women’s lav.”
    Scala had only one glimpse of the two guards’ looks of identical shock, before Tal yanked her around a bend in the passageway.  
    She was smiling as she followed Tal. She was still reviled by her old crewmates, but it seemed she’d been accepted by her new ones.
    Tal pushed open a door and peered out into the dry, dusty alley behind the bar. It smelled strongly of garbage and urine, but it was empty of sentient life. It was also shadowed, dusk having fallen while they were inside.  
    “You three can bond later,” he snarled. “Get your asses up on the roof and onto the cycles before the cops get here.”

    * * *

    On the Z , Tal pushed Scala into a seat in the cabin. “Strap in, we’re getting out of here. Where the hells is Dalg?”
    She’d had enough of Darkrunner’s rough handling. She opened her mouth to tell him so but he disappeared into the cockpit. The Mau thundered up the gangplank, his slablike face set in a fearsome scowl, his clothing disordered, shirt flapping open.
      “Why the quarking hurry? I was making time with that gorgeous stripper.”
    “Because we’re about to have the local cops on our tail,” Tal said.
    “Only got one quick fuck,” the Mau muttered, shouldering his way into the cockpit.
    “Poor guy,” Scala said, stifling a snicker as she caught Darry’s horrified gaze.
    He shook his head. “No way. Did you see that stripper? Her tits hung down to here.” He shuddered dramatically.
    “Well, I’m glad we’re leaving,” Trix croaked, already back to her insouciant self. “I don’t think much of this port.”
    She flung herself into the seat next to Scala and reached for the safety harness.  
    “No one does,” Scala said dryly. “The name is a joke. You notice

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