Dark Hunter
vampire turned out to be the best and the worst thing to ever happen to her. No, she refused to think about her sire, gone for two millennia. Still couldn’t think about the three months they’d shared. The pain still ate at what was left of her heart. Unbidden images flashed in her mind of limbs entwined, hands and lips seeking, exploring. With a low growl she shoved the images of them together back in a dark corner of her mind. She'd learned to survive without him all this time and would continue to survive.
    “Hey, earth to Mari.” Anya tugged on her arm, bringing her back to the present with a start. “Where did you go, girl?”
    Mari shook her head, her beads clicking together as the braids swung down her shoulders and back. “Guess I’ve been doing that a lot lately, huh?” she asked wryly. She needed to get a handle on what had happened and move the hell on.
    Anya’s sympathetic look grated on her. One thing she could never tolerate was looking vulnerable to anyone . She bit her tongue, realizing Anya meant no harm and the young vampire had her own demons to wrestle. Mari knew too well what the females under her roof had endured in their lives. The stories differed, but the results were the same. They were all broken in one way or another, even Mari.
    “What do you need, Anya?” Mari got back to business.
    “I was wondering if I could cut out early tonight. We’re kind of dead around here this evening. Pun intended.” Anya’s grin transformed the pretty blonde into a sexy siren most men couldn’t resist. “I’m kind of seeing Derick and since he as the night off…well…”
    Mari gave her a genuinely pleased smile. The average-looking human wasn’t Anya’s usual fare. She went for those bad boy model types, but as long as he treated her well and didn’t settle arguments with his fists , who cared? “Derick, huh? The same guy who’s been practically living here when you’re working?”
    Anya’s cheeks reddened with a becoming blush. “Ah, yeah, that’s the one. I really like him, Mari. He’s so different from…well, the type I normally go for. He’s…nice and treats me like a lady.”
    “About time you realized you are worth so much more than the abuse you’ve dealt with in your past. Good for you. Now get the hell out of here and have a great time with your fellow. It’s not like we’re packed or anything.”
    Mari let out a small sigh. Business had dropped dismally, not that she could blame anyone for staying clear of The Asp. Hell, if she didn’t own the damn place, she wouldn’t be here either.
    For a brief moment she could have sworn Anya’s gaze hardened to a cold look of calculation, but she blinked only to find those blue orbs showing nothing but concern. Gods, she was losing it big time! She really shouldn’t be surprised. Lately paranoia seemed to be her way of life. She jumped at every little thing these days. She and PTSD were close, personal friends even before the shit that happened here. “What are you waiting for? Get out of here. Just be careful, all right?”
    Anya gave her a hug, promising to be safe, and turned to leave, only to stop like she was rooted to the spot. “Whoa, now that’s one fine specimen of the male variety.”
    Anya stood nearly six feet in her stiletto heels, effectively blocking Mari’s view. With a particularly foul curse, Mari leaned over the bar to see who riveted the young blonde’s attention.
    Mari’s breath left her lungs in a low wheeze as she stared at the one man she’d thought never to see again in this world. The bar spun crazily as dark spots filled her vision. Her stomach cramped as it tightened, threatening to spill the contents of her late lunch. Her brain seemed unable to process the far flung ramifications of coming face-to-face with the man standing in front of her.
    “My god, Mari! You look like you’ve seen a ghost . What the hell is wrong with you?” Anya grabbed Mari’s arm to steady her.
    Oh, gods, it can’t

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