Dark Demands 03: Totally His

Dark Demands 03: Totally His by Nell Henderson Page A

Book: Dark Demands 03: Totally His by Nell Henderson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nell Henderson
Tags: Dark Demands
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sister, ” she repeated with surprise.  “W ill I get to meet her too,” she asked?”
    “Yes, of course.  You’l l meet Katarina tomorrow .  She lives with Luisa in a little village a few miles away in the hills above the town.”
    “Katarina,” she repeated, rolling the name around her tongue in a mock Italian accent.  “Why don’t they live here with you?”  She asked.  “And dare I ask, where’s your father?”   She’s never imagined Matthew with a family.  For some reason the idea that he might have parents or siblings didn’t quite suit him
    “My own mother died many years ago when I was just a child.  After that my father married Louisa and they had Katarina .  So we became a proper family again .  But after only seven years he died of a heart attack.   I was a young teenager and it hit me hard.  I met Lisa and married her when I was far too young but we needed a place of our own so I bought this,” he explained.  “So now you see the link between me and Italy and why I think of it as home .  Katarina was born in Portofino she’s a lovely girl and she also speaks excellent English so hopefully you’ll be friends.”   He was thoughtful for a moment or two then he added, “I’d like that.”
    Gina nodded back.   But the truth was she wasn’t here to make friends or to meet his family.  The sad reality was , she reminded herself, that this wasn’t a holiday .   Matthew had forced her come here with him because he needed to ensure her silence.  At no time had he talked about a romantic entanglement.  Sexual yes – but then that was just Matthew.  He didn’t or wouldn’t do permanent relationships so she should really try and break this spell he seemed to effortlessly weave around her .  Her one priority should really be sorting out this mess so she could go home – nothing else.
    F ifteen minutes, OK – then we’ll eat.  So freshen up and don’t be late – you’v e hardly eaten anything all day, ” he said before leaving the room.
    Alone at last and Gina was grateful for it.  She needed time to catch her breath and take stock.  Most important, just how was she going to get away from here?  She circled the room.  The window wasn’t locked and opened outwards with plenty of room for her to get through but there was a sharp drop down to the garden below.  She’d have to check that out in the daylight.  But would that work?  Could she really run from here and expect to get back to England – she’d need her passport and Matthew had that.  She’d give it some proper thought tomorrow she decide.  S he w ould explore her surroundings properly and put together a plan of escape.
    In the meantime the rest of the evening lay ahead and she’d no choice but to spend it with Matthew.  She’d shower first but she was just too tired to tackle the unpacking.  The bathroom was luxurious and there w ere plenty of toiletries, towels and bathrobes.  Just like a top notch hotel then, she decided.  So G ina chose on e of the fluffy pastel coloured robe s from the back of the door and wrapped herself in it. 
    She bounced on the bed.  It was soft and comfortable with crisp, white scented sheets and a squashy pink down duv et.  Quite perfect she thought lying back and relaxing for a moment.  She checked her watch – Matthew had said fifteen minutes so she ran a brush through her damp hair and tied it back .  She was too tired to dress and anyway t hey were alone here – apart from Conrad that was – so she’d have to do.
    He’d set the table outside on the veranda.  A cool breeze was wafting in from the sea and Gina sat and fluffed at her hair while she watched Matthew serve up the pasta Luisa had left for them.   He’d showered too and was wearing a pair of shorts – Bermuda type shorts down to his knees and a white fitted tee.  He looked so damned hot again – damp hair, gorgeous body and with work out of the way for a while – so laid back.

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