Dark Days (Written Pictures #2)

Dark Days (Written Pictures #2) by H. A. Kotys Page A

Book: Dark Days (Written Pictures #2) by H. A. Kotys Read Free Book Online
Authors: H. A. Kotys
corrective steps as she struggled for balance. “Keep still, girl!” shot the guidance, pulling the front section of the garment out toward her as Raven leant back to create the desired stretch.
    “Bend. Put your head in the hood, girl.” Raven stooped lower, thrusting her butt back against the rest of the garment that squeezed and lifted her ass cheeks.
    “For God’s sake, girl!” shot Natalia again, clearly dissatisfied with the efforts she was seeing. “Bitch, come here!” The snapped command brought a new presence quickly to Raven’s side and she was hit by the stench of sex.
    “Nipples, bitch.” The barked command was answered with a wail of pain as Raven’s nipples were immediately grasped and pulled, forcing her to bend to follow their tug.
    It was in that moment as her eyes shot open that the brick wall hit her. There, looking straight into her eyes were eyes that she had once known. With a familiarity in how those fingers felt, she looked into the face of her tormentor. There was no longer any doubt. She was indeed the woman that had once been known as Red.

CHAPTER XXI – Small & Yellow
    A million questions surged through Raven’s head, chased by a million more as her world stopped in tandem with her breath. It was Red, yet also, not. She had looked into those eyes a thousand times before; looked down into them and part basked, part laughed in the adoration they had held.
    This shell of a woman, this creature, though was not the Red Raven had once known. It was a facsimile of her – there was no recognition where there should have been a spark and more, and the fire in her eyes had been replaced by fear, the fear for survival.
    The intense surge of pain welled afresh as the woman quickly looked away and down toward the point on the floor to which she now twisted Raven’s nipples. Was it the merest hint of recognition or just pure subservience, she couldn’t be sure and anyway the agonising crush soon dispelled her inner debate.
    Raven willed straining muscles to bend still further with a wail. “Better, girl.” While not satisfied yet, the small woman at least approved of the effort. A tearing pain to Raven’s scalp, her hair trapped and torn - the small woman named Natalia had finally managed to position the neck of the rubber hood on the top of her head.
    Panting to the discomfort, Raven felt the tight tug of the catsuit’s neck hold her, still bent double while the firestorm in her nipples redoubled with the release of Red’s pinched grip, allowing reviving blood to flood back. It was all about endurance now and as she looked down to the once athletic woman who first cowered then shrank away, Raven knew it was the only ally she had to help her through to whatever end fate or Alexei, Natalia or destiny decided was hers.
    “Straighten up, girl,” shot the command to break Raven from her reflections and without thought she tried to obey, muscles screaming as the tight latex opening resisted the pressure from her head and threatened to scalp her.
    “Stupid girl!” And before Raven could try again to curry favour, the sudden scorching slap of a hand to her exposed ass tore a cry from deep within, causing her to suddenly stiffen. The result was precisely as planned and with a ‘pop’, Raven’s head finally punched through the constraining latex and into the smoky yellow hood, smearing her features behind a rubberised grip that blurred her beauty.
    The world was strangely sepia through the opaque latex that seemed to press in on every inch of her head. Her first breath was returned with nothing but an abbreviated intake of air. Her second didn’t even yield that. Raven opened her mouth, pushing her tongue forward to meet only a wall of latex.
    She was trapped. Encased. Her eyes shot wide. No airholes. She had no air. Panic. Was this how she was to die? She knew they would kill her in the end. But in latex? And just when she thought she saw

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