Dangerous Surrender
traffickers take young women and children in most cases.”
    Fire flared over my cheeks and tears prickled the corner of my eyes again. Right. Just because Jack loved me, didn’t mean Fattie Mattie ceased to exist . I didn’t want to believe him – not after everything. Why couldn’t I stand up to assholes like that?
    Well, Tilda, who says you can’t?
    “You know what? I’m sure the ladies are lining up around the corner for your balding head and that beer belly. Am I right? I’d thank you for your help, but you haven’t given me any. I’ll fill out that paperwork now.”
    Mr. White stared at me, a blush creeping up his skin and his hands brushed his stomach. “We’ll bring it to you right away.”
    I nodded and sat back down. That’s a story I needed to tell Jack – if I ever saw him again.
    After filling out pages of paperwork, they ushered me to a little hostel down the street. At least I got my own room and a bathroom with hot water. Thank God!
    I locked the door and pushed a chair up against it, just in case.
    While the hot shower refreshed me after the long day, the knots in my stomach tighten as I looked out the window at the shimmering lights of Chiang Mai. Sure, my vacation was ruined but I didn’t care about that anymore. Jack was somewhere out there, and I had no idea if he was even safe or not.
    He was already wrong about the consulate offering me protection. What if he was wrong about more? I pushed the thought from my mind and tried to sleep.
    The next morning, the consulate gave me a replacement passport and told me how to buy a train ticket back to Bangkok. Besides that, they offered me no further help. Standing on the street corner, I frowned and clutched my purse to my chest. If I went back to Bangkok without protection what would happen?
    The consulate suggested I have money wired from home at a Western Union and finish the rest of my vacation. How could I do that on my own? I already looked over my shoulder every few minutes to see if anyone suspicious followed me. Dammit! I needed Jack more than even and had no way to contact him. Shit!
    Instead, I called the airline and arranged to change my flight back. They had a seat for me, and as I hung up the phone the reality sunk in. I’d go back to America on my own with no idea when I’d see Jack again. Not only that, but I couldn’t even tell Cheryl the truth about her own brother!
    She’d be furious he abandoned me in a foreign country a week into our trip, and I couldn’t correct her!
    Thankfully, in a city as large as Chiang Mai, most people spoke English so getting around was easy. I hired a tuk-tuk and even bought a ticket on the night train without any problems.
    Wiping my palms on my pants, I perused the local market near the station and bought a few souvenirs and a new outfit. I can do this. Those men wouldn’t be looking for me on my own.
    At least that’s what I told myself.
    That evening, I boarded the train wearing my new clothes and settled into my cabin. I’d splurged on first class so I didn’t have to share with a stranger. The bed and seat were both comfortable for a train, and my nerves calmed as we pulled out of the station.
    In less than a day I’d be back in Bangkok and headed home. If the men hadn’t come for me yet, they probably didn’t know where I was. I hoped they didn’t know where Jack was either.
    The sunset burned red in the distance, over the jungle and grasslands. No wonder Cheryl insisted I travel with Jack – riding around alone was pretty boring!
    I ate dinner in the dining car, and headed to bathroom to wash up before I tucked in. As I headed back to my compartment, a man approached me. He looked like most Thai men, dark hair and tan skin, but my heart clenched as Jack’s warnings went through my head.
    Just let him pass and nothing bad will happen, Tilda!
    I hurried to my door just as the man drew near.
    Get inside and no one can hurt you!
    My hands shook, my fingers fumbling with the

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