Dangerous Kiss

Dangerous Kiss by Jackie Collins Page B

Book: Dangerous Kiss by Jackie Collins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jackie Collins
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Sagas
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were starting off with a group shot, so naturally Lina had decided to outshine everyone. She sorted through the hanging racks of outfits, finally picking an outrageous leopard thong bikini with matching sarong skirt.
    'This'll do,' she said, stripping off her shorts and tank top and putting on the sexy bikini. 'Think Chris'll like me in this?' Brigette shrugged. 'Dunno and don't care.'
    'Ha! Thanks for your support,' Lina said, prancing like a thoroughbred horse waiting at the gate.
    'You know I support you,' Brigette said patiently, 'only it beats me why you have this sick desire to sleep with married guys. What's the kick in that?'
    'Knowing they want me more than anybody else,' Lina said, licking her full lips.
    'And that sometimes they can 'ave me, an' sometimes they can't.'
    'Don't you ever think about their wives? And what you're doing to them?'
    'What am I doing if the wife don't know about it?' Lina said defiantly.
    'How would you like it if it was your husband sleeping with some beautiful model?' Brigette asked, attempting to reason with her, although she knew it was useless.
    'Wise up, Brig,' Lina said, with a casual shrug. 'I couldn't care less. What kind of idiot expects any man to be faithful?'
    'You don't think it's possible?'
    'Men are dogs, baby,' Lina pronounced, with a knowledgeable nod. 'Offer 'em a blow-job an' they're yours. It don't matter who it is. Politicians, movie stars, the man in the street. Trust me, they're all the bleedin' same.'
    'You honestly believe that?'
    'Yeah. An' if you don't, then you're naive,' she said, barely smothering a huge yawn. 'But, then, of course, I'm forgetting - you are naive. For a girl who's gonna inherit all kinds of money, you're way not street smart. When do you get it all?'
    'I have enough now to keep me very happy,' Brigette said, reluctant to discuss her money, because she hated any reference to her role as an heiress.
    'Yeah, but don't you score, like, billions of dollars or something?' Lina enquired, pushing it.
    'When I'm thirty,' Brigette said, thinking that she wasn't looking forward to that day for a variety of reasons. Big money brought big problems.
    'Hmm… you'd better not let that little piece of information out the bag,' Lina said, offering advice, 'cause if you do, guys'll be storming your life.'
    'You think that's the only reason men would be after me?' Brigette asked, slightly irritated.
    'Don't get shirty,' Lina said, yawning again. 'Y' know what I mean. You're gorgeous anyway. You can have whoever you want, money or no money.'
    'Trouble is,' Brigette said wistfully, 'there's nobody I want.'
    'Oh, that's right, I forgot, you're Miss Particular,' Lina said, still posing in front of the mirror. 'The good thing is you an' I get along so well 'cause we appeal to different types. You all blonde an' bubbly, and me - like some exotic prowling black panther.' She giggled at her own description. 'D'you think men find me…
    'You scare the crap out of them, Lina,' Brigette said crisply.
    'Scare the crap out of who?' Kyra asked, entering the room.
    'Lina scares men,' Brigette said. 'She's got that predatory look.'
    'You mean that carefully cultivated eat-shit-and-die look?' Kyra said, tossing back her luxuriant mane of hair as she approached the clothes rack. 'It sure works wonders on the runway.'
    'Secret of me success!' Lina giggled. 'Let's see now… It got me four rock stars, one moody film star, a tennis player, two billionaires—'
    'Enough!' Kyra shouted, in her high-pitched, squeaky voice. 'You're making me jealous. Before I got married I only had one rock star, and he was a dud in bed.'
    'Who was that?' Lina enquired.
    'Flick Fonda.'
    'Bingo!' Lina screamed triumphantly. 'I just 'ad 'im! You'd think with his studly reputation, an' all that gyrating on stage, he would've been a major performer.'
    'Big dick. Has no clue what t' do with it,' Kyra said matter-of-factly.
    'Right!' Lina yelled her agreement. 'Calls it 'is joystick. An' the only

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