Dancing Daze

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Book: Dancing Daze by Sarah Webb Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sarah Webb
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that are twinkling in a blond model’s hair.
    “You’re right, Amy. They’re beautiful,” Mum says. “You have a good eye. In fact, that model’s hair is perfect too, very natural.”
    There’s a loud squawking noise from upstairs.
    “Wanna play twains,” comes a voice from the top of the stairs. “No go bed.”
    Mum groans. “So much for our quiet evening in.”
    “I’ll get him back to sleep,” I say. “You guys stay here.” It’s nice to see Mum and Dave getting on so well. At least someone’s having fun this evening.
    After settling Alex (which takes three Thomas the Tank Engine stories and two rounds of “Hush-a-Bye, Baby”) and watching a bit more rubbish telly, I head upstairs to read in bed. I’m rereading an old copy of
The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants
that used to belong to Clover. But I can’t concentrate on the words. I keep wondering what Seth and Bailey and Mills are up to.
    If I only had someone to talk to right now, maybe then I wouldn’t feel so lonely. I don’t like to bother Clover on a Friday night — she’s bound to be out. Now, who can I ring? I think for a moment. Dad! He’ll probably be in with Shelly and Gracie. I get up and find my iPhone, which is plugged into the laptop on my desk, recharging.
    Dad answers immediately. “How weird. I was just about to ring you, Amy.”
    I feel a warm glow inside. At least someone’s thinking of me!
    “I wanted to ask you something,” he says. “I caught Pauline checking out photos of some old dude in swimming trunks on Facebook earlier. And it’s not the first time either. I think she’s spying on him. Has Pauline ever said anything to you about having a boyfriend? I asked Shelly, but she said she didn’t think so.”
    “Well, the dreaded Pauline was talking about some man in Portugal when you and Shelly were putting Gracie back to bed the last time I was over. He’s called Dean and he runs an Irish bar there.”
    “Dean? Just Dean? No surname?”
    “I’m doing pretty well remembering that much. And why are you so interested in Pauline’s love life? It’s gross!”
    “I was thinking I could track the man down and bribe him into dragging Pauline back to Portugal.”
    “Dad! That’s terrible.”
    “I know, but I’m desperate, Amy. At this stage I’ll try anything. I’m determined to stick it out till Christmas, but after that, it’s either her or me.”
    After he rushes off to watch golf on the telly, I put my iPhone down. So much for someone to talk to. Did I really think Dad would have time for a proper conversation with me and listen to my problems for a change? And even if he does find this Dean guy, is he really going to bribe him into taking Pauline back to Portugal? Trust Dad to try to buy himself out of his problems again.
    I wish I could ring Mills right now and tell her about Dad and his crazy plan, but I know I can’t. And Seth wouldn’t understand. He doesn’t know Dad the way Mills does. Without my best friend to talk to, I feel so alone.

Dear Diary,
    Well, it’s finally happened. Madame Irina has driven Lana out of the academy, and I’ve lost the only friend I have in this godforsaken place. How am I going to cope? Zsuzsanna is already on my case. Without Lana to talk to, I don’t know what I’ll do.
    I begged Lana to stay, but she was having none of it. She said she had to face facts. She’s the wrong shape for ballet: too tall, too muscular. And she refuses to starve herself to lose weight, like some of the other girls. That is no life, she says. And she’s right. Some of the girls here are on permanent diets, and it makes them miserable and grumpy all the time, and I’m sure some of them will get eating disorders.
    I asked Lana what she was going to do instead. She shrugged and sighed and then her eyes went blurry. I’ve never seen Lana cry before, and it scared me. Then she blinked her tears back and stiffened her shoulders. She told me about her friend Miriam who runs a

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