toward the garage. Evan was already leaning against the cruiser, scrolling through his phone as he approached. The aviators on his face masked his eyes, but Seth could feel him watching. He was suspicious, and that wasn’t a good thing.
    “You drivin’, or am I?” Seth asked, twirling the keys around his finger.
    Evan pushed away from the car, stuffing his phone into his pocket. “I better drive. With you all wrapped up in puppy love, it’s probably not safe for you to be operating heavy machinery.” The smirk on his face made Seth want to wipe it away with his fist.
    Seth shook his head and shoved the keys into Evan’s hand as he pulled the passenger door open. “You can get fucked.”
    “I’d like that, very much,” he laughed, rounding the front of the car. That irritating smile was still on his face as he slid into the driver’s seat. “My sister’s trying to hook me up with her friend, Symone. Thinks I should ask her to the ball.”
    Seth clicked his seatbelt into place as Even pulled out of the parking lot. “And? What’s wrong with that? Is she ugly or something?”
    “Far from it, actually, but she’s only twenty-five. Do I really want to feel like a dirty old bastard all night? Fuck man, I’m thirty-four. I can’t be messing with girls that young,” he said, turning into traffic. “Besides, what kind of a name is Symone? It sounds like a stripper name.”
    Rubbing his jaw, Seth stared out the window. With his mind wandering, he was only about half with the conversation. Shit, he was only six years older than Monica…why did he suddenly feel like a cradle robber? “It’s only nine years, man. She’s an adult. I say go for it, and Symone is a nice name.”
    Seth shrugged. “ Eh, I don’t know, we’ll see…”
    His comment was cut off by the squelch of the police radio as the dispatcher ’s voice carried through the speakers. “ All units available, assistance is needed for a fire call at a rural residence north of the city, address 2334 Victor Street . Fire trucks are en route .”
    Seth’ s blood ran cold as a shroud of dread washed over him. “Fuck, that’s my address.”
    “Are you sure?” Evan asked, flipping the lights and sirens on.
    “I know my fucking address. Step on it,” he barked, pulling his phone out of his pocket. He needed to talk to Monica. Worry had his chest in a vise as he punched her number in and put his phone to his ear. Four rings and her automated voicemail picked up. “ Dammit !” Sweat ran down his neck, only fueling his irritation.
    Bile rose in his throat as they turned onto his road. A thick black pl ume of smoke boiled into the sky from the location of his farm like an ominous beacon. If Monica or the kids had been hurt in any way, he’d never forgive himself. As they neared, and his acreage came into view. He breathed a little easier when he saw that it was a small outbuilding that was burning, not the house.
    Fire trucks, police cars, and an ambulance were already on scene. Barely waiting for Evan to put the car in park, Seth jumped out of the vehicle, not bothering to close his door behind him. Desperately, his eyes scanned the crowd while he ran. He needed to find her. The ache to have her safely in his arms beat at his brain like a hammer.
    He caught sight of Sarah first, standing off to the side with a blanket around her shoulders. Her eyes were wide and teary as she watched the bustle of activity around her. Jack was on the front steps of the house, looking passive as usual, and Monica was still nowhere to be found.
    “Where’s your sister?” Seth asked, wincing as Sarah startled at his harsh tone.
    Her mouth opened and closed a couple times before she found her voice. “She’s over there,” she said, poking her hand out of her blanket to point Monica out. “She’s answering questions.”
    Running a hand down his face, Seth motioned with his head toward the house. “Why don’t you guys go inside where it’s warm? Everything will

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