Cutlass Sharpened

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Book: Cutlass Sharpened by Jr H. Lee Morgan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jr H. Lee Morgan
to my com?” He
nodded. “Oliver Void. Code: Forgotten.” Told hers next.
    “ Jessica Merann. Code:
Binary.” Then her wife’s. “Stephanie Merann. Code: Lost
    “ Now that that is over,
perhaps we should take a seat. I’ve got news that will leave you
all speechless.” Stephanie said and Renee dropped down two more
comfortable chairs by her desk that sat square so everyone could be
    Stephanie’s earlier anger changed into
childlike glee. Always happens when something interesting in
history occurs. Her hand still stung, but she managed to open the
clear case and lift the cutlass. A cutlass being a single edged
curved blade mainly used for one hand. The grip was perfect, having
a non-slick pattern for perfect control. The guard attached to the
base of the widely curved blade and swooped to the rounded hilt,
able to protect the fingers as well as good for blocking and
punching. “We’ll start with this. My tests prove that not only is
this a genuine original, but that it is the eldest Star-saber on
    “ By eldest you mean?...”
Jessica had to ask for she too was kept in the dark.
    The blonde beamed as if a
conspiracy was just unearthed. “Currently we believe the oldest is
eighty nine thousand years ago.” She grabbed the handle and held it
up and turned it this way and that. “ This blade is between thirty nine
million seven hundred to forty million two hundred years old.
That’s many millennia older.” Her announcement was indeed struck
speechless. “And that is not all. This Star-saber is made of some
as of yet, undiscovered metal alloy forty million times more dense
than diamond. And is so sharp it is a single molecule thick along
the edge. It is how he could pierce the Beast’s skull so
effortlessly. The atoms are so compacted they cannot move, as if they were in an
absolute zero environment.”
    “ But how can it be carried?
That density is more compact than a piece of black hole. The weight
should be impossible to lift.” Renee voiced.
    “ That’s the thing. It
somehow alters its own gravity so its weight stays the exact same.
I can’t detect how it does it. I think its purpose is to let the
swordsman fight without needing to adjust in different
environments. Only in zero gravity does it cease regulating. And I
tried getting a sample, but the atoms are so packed together it
didn’t make a scratch. I mean that literally. Unlike other
recovered Star-sabers, this one is theoretically indestructible.
Listen to this good. It is so dense that not even neutrinos can pass through. Some sixty
five billion pass through our bodies every single second of our
lives. This” Stephanie’s fingernail tapped the flat of the blade to
make a tinkling chime. “completely reflects any and all energy
except to one whom it belongs. I had to recalibrate my sensors a
dozen times to get a clear reading. At our current level of
technology we could never reverse engineer a duplicate. Also it
retains temperature at a human thirty seven and I subjected it to
the greatest range I’m capable with my lab equipment and it
retained total integrity.
    “ As an added footnote, the
sword is perfectly balanced.
    “ This weapon cannot ever
hold a price. We could never possibly get enough. It would bankrupt
Galicom a billion times over. They certainly would kill to get this
artifact and unlock every secret it contains. Now watch this.
Oliver, it is yours after all. Take it.”
    She turned it handle first and his fingers
circled around it. As soon as it touched, the blade began to
flicker with what reminded him of starlight in space. And as she
said, it was warm to the touch, a comfortable warmth. “Why does it
do that for me and not you?” He asked, holding it close and
pointing at the starlight. It felt good to hold. Real good.
    “ I’ll teach you all about
psionic energy later. I’ll teach like all children must learn.
Since I love history and archeology I’ll be glad to bring you up

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