Curves Envy - Alphas Love Curves: BBW Billionaire Romance

Curves Envy - Alphas Love Curves: BBW Billionaire Romance by Scarlett Avery Page B

Book: Curves Envy - Alphas Love Curves: BBW Billionaire Romance by Scarlett Avery Read Free Book Online
Authors: Scarlett Avery
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Romance, Short-Story, Romantic Comedy
forced to bite your tongue in order to avoid screaming out my name.”
    “Jesus,” I let out, caught between excitement and the fear of losing all control to this stranger. “But I barely know you.”
    “From the way your body is responding to me I’d say, you’ve been waiting for me your entire life.”
    “You’re very cocky.”
    “Not at all. You keep betraying yourself, Candy.” Without leaving my gaze, he pulls his fingers from my pussy and licks them. Ah. “You’re so fucking wet it won’t take me long to make you lose it.”
    “You think you have me all figured out.”
    Instead of responding me, he pushes his finger into my pussy, hard and fast.
    “Oh,” I gasp.
    The exhilarating shots of pleasure make my head spin. What’s taken over me? My body has never responded like this to any man I’ve been with in the past. Nothing makes any sense anymore considering how out of control I am under the hands of a guy who has never explored my body before.
    “Oh, Candy, you are sweeter than I expected.” His fingers slide in and out of me in a ruthless cadence until my pussy clenches around his sweet intrusion, gripping him tight. I never want to let go.
    I’m nearly delirious and I can’t possibly imagine anything more intoxicating until he inserts another finger.
    “Holy shit,” I scream out.
    “Candy, you’re going to have to keep it down or else the concierge will run into the room to find your pussy exposed,” he warns, grinning with satisfaction.
    I shake my head to let him know I have no desire to be found out and he smiles before thrusting his fingers inside me again.
    “Oh, Max,” I moan.
    He increases the rhythm of his naughty play and as the pleasure increases, the overwhelming intensity of the pressure building inside frightens me.
    “Yes,” I hiss, tilting my head against the wall. I push my hips forward, vying for more.
    “Look at you. You’re dying for me to give you more, aren’t you? You look innocent enough, but there’s a bad girl waiting to escape.”
    “It’s your fault. You’re doing things to me…”
    “I’m pleasuring you as much as I’m pleasuring myself, sweetness.”
    His comment leaves my legs shaking. Little do I know there’s much more to come.
    “Your tight little clit is yearning for relief.”
    “Oh, hell yeah.” I’m surprised I’m willing to admit so much.
    Without warning, his thumb skates over my clit, gliding directly over it each time his fingers plunge deeper inside my aching pussy.
    “Did your last boyfriend know how to meet your needs?”
    Well, we can’t officially call Vince a boyfriend, since I was fucking a married man, and George was a capable lover, but it was always about him. If he didn’t make me come before him, I was screwed since he had the annoying habit of falling asleep right after ejaculating.
    “Not like this,” I confess, shaking my head.
    Without losing a beat his thumb continues to toy with my clit. One, two, three strokes. Jesus. My body coils tighter as he relentlessly torments me. I’m gasping for air, shaking my head from left to right so violently my hair sticks to the pearls of sweat trailing down my face.
    “Remember, sweetness, it doesn’t matter how hard I make you come, you can’t scream or else we’ll get caught.”
    Devious man. He’s taking pleasure in seeing me so helpless and so close to the edge.
    I nod my head in agreement as I slide a finger into my mouth to keep me preoccupied and to prevent me from screaming my head off.
    “Good girl. I can’t wait to find out if your cheeks will flame up when you come.”
    “Ah.” His words turn me on so much, I sink my hips lower against his hand, seeking more sexual healing. Make me come.
    His thumb rolls over my clit and my orgasm explodes inside me like fireworks on Times Square on New Year’s Eve. Here I am completely undone on the forty-first floor of a hotel with a dreamy guy on his knees giving me more pleasure than I thought possible.

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