Curvaceous Heart

Curvaceous Heart by Terri Pray Page A

Book: Curvaceous Heart by Terri Pray Read Free Book Online
Authors: Terri Pray
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Bill that had caused so much trouble for Sue. It didn’t matter that she had apparently been able to deal the man a hell of a blow, he didn’t like the idea of anyone picking on her like that.
    It just wasn’t the type of situation he was willing to let her struggle through alone.
    He frowned slightly at the thoughts running through his head. How could he be thinking that way? This was one day, one dinner, and a turn in the sack, yet he felt something towards her that was closer to…possession?
    No, not that, not quite. Something deeper, more important and potentially far more dangerous.
    Alan closed his eyes and rested back against the pillows. Comfortable, odd that. He’d never slept with someone through the night, or even for a couple of hours. Strange how at peace he felt holding her like this.
    He replayed their night in the back of his mind, every delicious detail. She’d taken control, then stepped back, nervous and uncertain of herself. Had she never taken that role before?
    What if he showed her how?
    Hope flickered into being.
    If she wanted this, needed it the way he did, then he could show her what she would have to learn. It was taking a huge risk, but she was worth it.
    * * * * *
    Alan blinked and stared at the ceiling in the darkness. Something leaned against him. No, not something. Someone. A warm, soft someone who cuddled against him.
    Good, she was still here.
    Shit, I fell asleep. God. What time is it?
    He tried to wriggle away from Sue enough so he could take a look at the clock. Two. Damnit , no matter how much he wanted to spend the rest of the night with her, she didn’t have any clothes here.
    “Sue.” He whispered against the side of her neck. “Sue, wake up love.”
    She mumbled and cuddled in a little further. The last thing he wanted to do was wake her up, but he was running out of options.
    “Sue, you have to wake up, we’ve got to get you home.”
    She shook her head a little and blinked. Long strands of hair caught in her eyelashes for a moment before she brushed them aside. “What?”
    “Sue, I’m sorry, but it’s gone two.”
    “Shit.” She sat up quickly, reaching for the sheets to pull them about her breasts.
    “Please, don’t hide from me.” He caught the edge of the sheet but didn’t pull it down. Even in the darkness he could see her, the outline of her face and the deep shadows across her skin caressing her every move.
    “I’m just embarrassed. I had no plans for this to happen between us. For the night to end up this way.”
    His heart sank to the pit of his stomach.
    “Oh, you’re regretting what happened tonight. I’m sorry…”
    Wonderful. He’d finally found a woman he could enjoy the time with and she wasn’t happy with him.
    “No, it’s not that. I just don’t want you thinking that I’m the sort of woman that jumps into bed with any man that comes along. I’m just not like that.” She rolled out of bed, taking the sheet with her. “I’m not a slut.”
    “I never implied you were, Sue.”
    “What else could you be thinking about me after the way I acted? I can’t even say it was the drink, I only had the one glass of wine -- no, two, there was that second one with the meal.” She looked around the room. “Shit, my clothes are -- oh God, my stockings are ruined.”
    “I’ll buy you some new ones.” He slipped out of bed and reached for his robe. This was not how he had planned on the night ending. He had to do something to smooth things over for her. Damnit , the last thing he thought her to be was a slut. She was a good woman, strong, beautiful, courageous, and everything he had ever wanted in a woman.
    “No, you don’t need to do that.”
    “But I want to, Sue. Just as I want to see you again. I’ll get your clothes for you.” He fastened the robe about his waist and turned back to look at her. “Sue, are you crying?”
    “Please, I just want to go home.” She stood there, in the middle of his bedroom, shaking

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